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词汇 花里胡哨
例句 The room was cluttered and fussy.房间里凌乱不堪,花里胡哨The mantelpiece was covered with rattletraps.壁炉台上放满了花里胡哨的小摆设。Manufacturers still build luxury cars with all the bells and whistles.制造商们依然在生产拥有各种花里胡哨功能的豪华汽车。Their house was nicer before it was tarted up.他们的房子以前没装饰得这么花里胡哨,倒是更好看些。These watches also have all the frills and features.这些手表也有花里胡哨的装饰和天花乱坠的性能。I wanted just a plain handbag - nothing fancy.我只想要一个朴素的手袋,不要花里胡哨的。He liked to shock with his gold chains and loud clothes.他喜欢戴金链子、穿花里胡哨的衣服来招人反感。Their shows are always incredibly camp and flamboyant.他们的演出总是花里胡哨,极其夸张。He ends up marrying a floral-frocked Stepford girlfriend.他最后娶了个打扮得花里胡哨、对他唯命是从的女朋友。They relied on gimmicks and flash to get people's attention.他们依靠各种噱头和花里胡哨的形象吸引人们的注意。




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