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词汇 芝麻
例句 I don't know why he gets so upset about something so trivial.我不明白他因何为芝麻大的事儿也如此烦恼。I've put some sesame crackers in the oven to bake.我已经把几片芝麻脆饼放进烤箱里烤了。He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.他极容易发火——芝麻大的小事都能让他大发雷霆。Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds.芝麻酱是用磨碎的芝麻做成的一种酱。She wasn't the type to be fashed at every incy little thing.她不是那种因为芝麻大一点小事就生气的人。Don't be a baby and whine about trifles.别为芝麻大的事儿嘀咕个没完耍小孩子脾气了。Jobs are so hard to find that people are willing to work for peanuts.工作很难找,只挣点芝麻小钱的活人们也愿意去干。She is always collecting sesame at the cost of watermelon.她做事总是拣了芝麻,丢了西瓜。




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