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词汇 几场
例句 We attended several cultural events over the weekend.周末我们参加了几场文艺活动。We'll find out about the true character of this team after these next few games.再进行几场比赛,我们就会发现该队的真正特点。She set the racing world on its ear by winning several major races.她在几场重大的赛马会上获胜,轰动了赛马界。The movie has several steamy bedroom scenes.影片中有几场床上激情戏。The band are playing a handful of shows at smaller venues.乐队要在小一点的场馆举办几场演出。I'd like to do a number of internationals to get my feet wet again.我想打几场国际比赛找回感觉。The candidate cinched the nomination by winning the major primary elections.这位候选人在赢得了几场重要的初选后稳获提名。As a 'born-again' cyclist I had decided that this season I would ride in a few races.作为一个刚刚迷恋上自行车赛的自行车手,我决定参加这个赛季的几场比赛。He plans to start the horse in only a few races this year.他计划今年让那匹马只参加几场比赛。He was very fond of the theater and had purchased tickets for several performances.他很喜欢戏剧,买过几场演出的票。The theatre management kindly let me off a couple of performances to go to Yorkshire.剧院领导很体谅地同意我休演几场抽身到约克郡去。This difference in approach has led to several political skirmishes.这种方式上的差异已经导致了几场政治冲突。She has several concert bookings this fall.这个秋天她约定了几场音乐会。They've won a few games this season but they lack consistency.这个赛季他们赢过几场比赛,可是表现不稳定。A couple of fights broke out near the stadium after the game.比赛后在体育场附近发生了几场斗殴。Sergio has played several tournaments and now has the opportunity to play an eleventh.塞尔希奥已经打了几场联赛,现在有机会打第十一场了。We haven't had many heavy snows this winter.今年冬天我们这儿没下过几场大雪。The negotiations were a last-ditch attempt to prevent a labor strike.几场谈判是阻止工人罢工的最后尝试。The director made us rehearse the opening scenes over and over.导演要我们一遍又一遍地排演开头那几场戏。The play gets more and more exciting in the last few scenes.这出戏的最后几场越来越紧张。 We had a few flurries yesterday.昨天我们这里下了几场小雪。She watched a few of the games while waiting to go on court.她在等待上场时观看了几场比赛。These trials are actually the penultimate step toward choosing the Olympic team for this summer's games.几场预赛实际上是为今年夏季奥运会选拔参赛球队所做的倒数第二步。The comedian missed some bookings because of illness.那位喜剧演员因病错过了几场预约演出。She plays the love scenes brilliantly.她把几场爱情戏演得有声有色。Several of today's football games have been postponed because of heavy snow.今天有几场足球赛因为下大雪延期了。Now don't get smug just because you've won a couple of games.不要赢了几场比赛就沾沾自喜。The team was undeterred by their recent losses.球队并未因最近几场失利而气馁。The band went over to Germany to play a few concerts.乐队去德国开了几场音乐会。The wheat crop will be decimated without strong spring rains.春天如果不下几场大雨,小麦可就要毁了。He will rest content with these victories.获得了这几场胜利他就满足了。They gave one of their best performances to date.他们的演出是迄今为止最好的几场之一。He said that no one could beat him, but he had to eat his words after losing several games.他说没人能打败他,可是输了几场比赛后,他只好收回自己说的话。She has acted in several stagings of the play.她参与了这部剧的几场演出。The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois.国家气象局报告称伊利诺伊州有人目击了几场龙卷风。There were a couple of good performances, but most of the players didn't really do themselves justice.几场打得很精彩,但大多数球员并没有完全发挥出来。During certain scenes of the play there isn't any script and the actors just improvise (the dialogue).这出戏有几场没有剧本,演员们就即兴表演(对白)。The team really gelled during the first few games of the season.在这个赛季头几场比赛中,球队表现得很有凝聚力,配合十分默契。The room cleared quickly after the final speeches.最后几场演讲结束后,房间很快就空了出来。The feature on the chief of police was pegged on the riots.有关警察局长的这篇特写是依据那几场暴乱写成的。




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