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词汇 几声
例句 Scattered groans and whoops broke out in the crowd.人群里不时发出几声抱怨和欢呼。With a few loud whistles, they drove the donkeys out of the enclosure.随着几声响亮的哨声,他们把驴子赶出了围栏。The engine coughed and died.引擎噗噗响了几声就熄火了。One of the hens has an occasional chesty cough, especially when roosting at night.一只母鸡时不时地咳几声,尤其在它晚上歇息的时候。The car engine coughed a few times, but wouldn't start.汽车发动机吭哧吭哧响了几声,但没发动起来。The engine spluttered and died.引擎 啪响了几声后就熄火了。He heard gunshots.他听到了几声枪响。John emitted a few curses.约翰发出几声诅咒。The engine coughed and sputtered and then stopped.发动机发出扑哧、噼啪的几声后就熄火了。It squawked and fanned a tail missing two feathers.鸟嘎嘎地叫几声,展开了少了两片羽毛的尾巴。We heard several gunshots.我们听到几声枪响。The truck sputtered and stopped.卡车噼啪响了几声停下了。She asked him a question and he grunted in reply.她问了他一个问题,他咕哝了几声算是回答了她。I was so bored I wanted to scream.我无聊透了,恨不能大叫几声The dog trotted out and yapped a couple of warnings at no one in particular.狗疾跑出去,毫无目标地狂吠了几声警告。She mumbled something into her pillow.她对着枕头咕噜了几声The ship's siren let out several short blasts.轮船的汽笛发出几声短促的吼鸣声。She broke off in the middle of a sentence at the sound of a couple of shots.几声枪响,她一句话没讲完就突然住了口。A few random shots were fired, but the battle was over.偶尔有几声枪响,但战斗已经结束。Shots rang out from across the street as someone tried to break up the fight.有人试图劝架,这时街对面传来了几声枪响。He was falsely jovial, with his booming, mirthless laugh.他低声苦笑了几声,装出快乐的样子。The silence was broken every so often by the sound of guns in the distance.偶尔,远处传来几声枪响打破了沉寂。The dog gave several fierce barks.狗汪汪狂吠了几声His departure prompted a few wistful sighs and the odd tear from admirers.他的离去引来崇拜者的几声悲叹和些许眼泪。The tranquillity here was broken by no sound but the occasional hammering of a wood-pecker.除了偶尔几声啄木鸟的啄木声外,没有任何别的声音打破这里的宁静。I heard a few cackles from the audience when I started my talk.我开始讲话时听见听众中发出格格的几声笑。




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