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It rained and stormed incessantly throughout our stay.我们在那儿的几天里一直是狂风暴雨。He's bronzed from a short holiday in California.他去加利福尼亚度了几天假后晒黑了。I wanted to know if she could put me up for a few days.我想知道她能否让我住几天。We originally intended to stay for just a few days.我们原先打算只逗留几天的。The correspondence has been backing up for several days.待处理的信件已经积压了好几天。Holidays can be horrendous. All right, I'll rephrase that. The first few days are invariably hell.假期可能会糟糕透顶。好吧,让我换一种说法。最初的几天总是如同炼狱。I'll get some time off around Christmas.圣诞节前后我要请假休息几天。I had been in my new job only a few days.我到新的工作岗位只有几天的时间。I went to stay with my uncle and aunt for a few days.我去和叔叔婶婶住了几天。She's been so depressed that some days she can't get out of bed.她非常抑郁,有几天她都起不了床。Police have been unable to trace her movements during her final days.警方无法追踪到她最后几天的行踪。She's away for the next few days.接下来几天她休假。Why don't you take a few days' leave?你为什么不休几天假?This is the tail end of the season.这是季末的最后几天。I'm taking some time off because I really need to get away for a few days.我要休息一段时间,因为我真的需要出去休几天假了。The tank should hold enough to last us a few days.油箱应该存油够多,足以让我们用上几天。I've asked him to give me a couple more days to finish my essay.我要求他再给我几天时间把论文写完。It's nice that you can relax for a few days.你能够休息几天真是太好了。Meteorologists have predicted mild rains for the next few days.气象专家预测未来几天有小雨。Everything has gone wrong for her in the past few days.在过去几天中她事事不称心。If he wanted to splash out on a new car it would take him a couple of days to get his hands on the cash.如果他想出一大笔钱买辆新车,他得花好几天才能筹到现款。The doctor says she's making a good recovery, and she should be out and about in a few days' time.医生说她恢复得很好,几天后应该就可以正常行动了。She's out of the office for a few days next week.她下周会有几天不来上班。The police think that the robbers shadowed their victims for days before the crime.警方认为抢劫者跟踪了受害人几天之后才实施犯罪的。I talked to him just the other day. 几天前,我刚和他谈过话。A few days later he told me an exciting piece of news.几天之后他告诉我一个令人振奋的消息。I feel like I've been cooped up in this flat for days.我感觉自己好像被囚禁在这间公寓里有好几天了。The past few days have seemed comparatively flat and empty.相对而言,过去的几天似乎比较沉闷无聊。The exams have been postponed, so the students have a few days' grace before they start.考试推迟了,所以学生们得以晚几天进考场。There were cases where prisoners were tightly bound, often for several days.有时犯人会被紧紧地捆绑起来,往往一捆就是好几天。For several days Kevin was confined to his room.有好几天凯文被关在家里不能出门。There's a lot to be said for taking a few days off now and then.偶尔休几天假大有好处。For the next few days he alternated between hope and fear.其后几天中他时而满怀希望,时而充满恐惧。Temperatures remained high for the rest of the week.那一周余下的几天里气温仍然很高。He spent a few days in retreat.他暂时退隐了几天。After a few days in France, I realized that I didn't know the language as well as I had thought.在法国待了几天,我意识到自己法语学得没有原来料想的那么好。Reporters have been staked out in front of the building for days.记者们已经在大楼前守候好几天了。A few days later his body was discovered.几天后,他的尸体被找到了。With only days to go before elections in Pakistan, candidates are battling it out at the hustings.离巴基斯坦大选仅剩几天时间了,候选人正在竞选活动上决一胜负。The thieves played cat and mouse with the police for several days before they were caught.几个盗贼在被捕之前与警方周旋了几天。 |