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词汇 节约
例句 The audit will concentrate on the economy and efficiency of production.监察将集中在生产的节约与效率方面。Recycling helps conserve natural and often limited resources.循环使用有助于节约往往是有限的自然资源。The new shower heads reduce spray and waste less water.新淋浴蓬头减少了水流喷溅,节约了用水。We must learn to practice economy.我们必须学会践行节约She is an economical housewife.她是一个节约的家庭主妇。The employees of the firm practised economy in doing everything.该公司的雇员做任何事都励行节约To save brokerage fee, he decided to manage his own stocks.为了节约佣金,他决定自己管理自己的股票。The discount gave me a saving of $25.这个折扣使我节约了二十五美元。We should practice economy even if we are rich.即使我们富裕了也仍应该励行节约A saving of 30% is obtainable under this scheme.按这一计划做可以获得百分之三十的节约率。We must practise the strictest frugality and economy.我们必须厉行俭省节约This new plan will help us save time. = The new plan will save us some time.这个新计划会帮助我们节约时间。Published in association with the Council for the Protection of Rural England, the book provides refreshing solutions to the long-term problem of water conservation.这本书与英格兰乡村保护委员会合作出版,就节约水资源这个长期问题提供了全新的解决方法。It seems a false economy to me to cut down on libraries.在我看来,减少图书馆的数量并不是真正的节约This arrangement is more economical in its use of staff.这种安排比较节约员工人力。She saves in every way she can.她尽一切可能节约The took extreme measures to conserve fuel.他们采取极端的手段节约燃料。They omitted the last step to save time.为了节约时间他们免去最后一个步骤。We can save a lot of time by using this shortcut.通过这一捷径,我们可以节约很多时间。Some day you will come to realize the importance of saving.将来你会逐渐意识到节约的重要性。It is designed to save you time, and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain.它的设计既能节约时间,又能保持工作台面整洁。We'll also benefit from the economies provided by more efficient energy sources.我们也将从更有效的能源所带来的节约中获益。By shopping economically, you can save a lot of money on your weekly bill.买东西节约点,每个星期可以省不少钱。She tried to save money without being stingy.她设法节约钱但不要显得小气。She claims that money can be saved by reducing inefficiencies.她声称减少低效现象能够节约金钱。Mexican cookery is economical. Nothing goes to waste.墨西哥烹饪很节约。什么都不浪费。We could achieve major economies in time with this new machinery.用这台新机器我们可以节约大量时间。We need to conserve our natural resources.我们需要节约自然资源。We're changing the factory's mode of operation in order to save money.我们正在转变工厂的经营方式以节约资金。Most people would prefer to stick to tried and tested methods of birth control.大多数人都会选择继续使用已经反复验证过的节约方法。As a cost-saving measure, voters have elected to have the two towns administered jointly.作为节约成本的一项举措,选民们决定对两个城市进行联合治理。The average domestic heating system could be run much more economically.普通家庭供暖系统还可以做到更加节约She ran a lean and efficient company.她经营着一家节约而高效的公司。It's one of the most time-saving devices ever invented for cooks.这是为厨师发明的最节约时间的设备之一。This smart new design offers considerable savings in fuel efficiency.这个巧妙的新设计能极大地节约能耗。We can save money by cutting out the middleman and ordering our supplies directly from the manufacturer.我们可以不通过经纪人,直接从厂家订货,这样就能够节约资金。Tim's a very economical person,. He always looks around for the best buys.蒂姆是个很节约的人,他总是货比三家,买最合算的东西。She really drove home the message that we need to economize.她讲得很清楚,我们需要节约The company has made considerable savings through good housekeeping, such as avoiding wastage.公司通过如避免浪费等有效的内部管理方法节约了数量可观的资金。In those days, fuel economy was a central factor in car design.在那个时代,燃料的节约是汽车设计中要考虑的一个主要因素。




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