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词汇 forbidden
例句 Talk of religion was forbidden in the family circle.在家庭范围内禁止谈论宗教。Students are explicitly forbidden to smoke in the dorm rooms.明令禁止学生在寝室里吸烟。Fishing on this river is forbidden under a local bylaw.当地法规禁止在这条河里钓鱼。Wine is absolutely forbidden to all the children.绝对禁止所有的孩子喝酒。Casinos are forbidden by law to contribute to political campaigns.法律禁止赌场为政治竞选活动捐钱。Suicide is expressly forbidden in Buddhism.自杀行为是佛教明确禁止的。We were forbidden, under pain of imprisonment, to use our native language.我们被禁止使用母语,违者将被关进监狱。She was forbidden from marrying him.不许她嫁给他。This was a forbidden area for foreigners.这里曾经禁止外国人进入。Unauthorized reproduction of this publication is strictly forbidden.未经许可,严禁翻印。The export of gold is forbidden.黄金是禁止出口的。The troops were forbidden to fraternize with the enemy.军队不准与敌人亲善。Alcohol is strictly forbidden in Saudi Arabia.喝酒在沙特阿拉伯是严格禁止的。A small spate of visitors has been to this once forbidden region.一小批访客去过这个一度禁止访问的地区。The serving of alcoholic drinks is forbidden.禁止售卖酒精饮料。Smoking is expressly forbidden.吸烟被明令禁止。It was forbidden for an unmarried couple to be alone together.未婚男女不得两人独处。The Great Mosque is forbidden to Christians.大清真寺禁止基督教徒入内。There are restrictions on what you can bring into the country. Alcohol, for example, is totally forbidden.该国对可携带入境的东西是有限制的,比如说酒是绝对禁止的。Civilians are strictly forbidden from entering that area.严禁平民进入那地区。It takes three days for the asphalt to dry up after they are paved. Prior to this, all vehicles are forbidden to pass on the pavement.沥青在铺好之后,有三天才能干。在此之前所有的车辆都不准通过。Reconstruction or alteration of the flat without the landlord's permission is forbidden.未经房主准许,禁止对房屋进行重建或改动。Smoking is forbidden in all parts of the building.这幢大楼全楼都禁止吸烟。Running along the corridors was strictly forbidden at school.学校严禁在走廊里奔跑。The students were expressly forbidden to use the Internet for their research on this occasion.这次学生们被明确禁止使用因特网来进行研究。It is forbidden to prompt a witness in court.在法庭上禁止向证人提示。The war was a forbidden subject.战争曾经是人们避讳的话题。Lionel has forbidden her ever to mention that name again under his roof.莱昂内尔已经禁止她在他家里再提到这个名字。He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.作为惩罚,他被禁止离开家。The staff are forbidden to tender for private-sector work.工作人员不得投标承接私企的工作。Smoking is forbidden in the cinema.电影院里禁止吸烟。Smoking was forbidden everywhere.到处都禁止吸烟。Prisoners were forbidden to speak to each other while they were working.囚犯在干活时是禁止交谈的。Discrimination on grounds of race or gender is forbidden.严禁种族歧视或性别歧视。Widows were forbidden to remarry and were stoned to death if they did.寡妇被禁止再婚,如若再婚会被乱石砸死。After the invasion, people were forbidden to fly their national flag.沦陷后,民众被禁止悬挂他们的国旗。The use of mobile phones is strictly forbidden during take-off and landing.飞机在起飞和降落时严格禁止使用手机。He has expressly forbidden her to go out on her own.他已经明确禁止她独自外出。Alcohol is strictly forbidden. Even the major hotels are dry.含酒精的饮料是绝对禁止的,甚至连大宾馆里也不供应酒。She was shut away and forbidden to read.她被关了起来,并且不允许看书。




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