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词汇 crook
例句 He is a thorough-going crook, who sticks at nothing to gain his ends.他是个彻头彻尾的坏蛋,为了达到自己的目的不择手段。She hid her face in the crook of her arm.她把脸掩在臂弯里。I wonder what he's going crook about.我不知道他为什么在发脾气。Collins was just a minor-league crook.柯林斯只是个二流的骗子。They intend to get their way, by hook or by crook.为达到目的,他们不择手段。I wouldn't do business with him - he's a crook.我不会和他做生意,他是个骗子。In his hand, he carried a gold-tipped crook.他手里拿着一根有金制曲柄的手杖。The baby drowsed his head back in the crook of her arm.婴孩的头一动不动地在她的臂弯里偎着。I'm a bit crook at the moment.我目前身体不太好。Fletcher was a crook who had tricked him out of several thousand dollars.弗莱彻是个骗子,设局骗走了他几千美元。The police are going to get these guys, by hook or by crook.警方无论如何也要抓住这些家伙。She was determined to succeed by hook or by crook.她决意要不择手段获得成功。Donaldson was a petty crook with a string of previous offences.唐纳森是个小偷,违法的事以前没少干。Her head slumped into the crook of her arm.她的头低低埋在臂弯里。John took one child into the crook of each arm and let them nestle against him.约翰一只臂弯搂着一个孩子,让他们舒服地靠着他。The man is a crook and a liar.这个男人是个小偷、骗子。The farmer leant on his crook.农民靠在他的曲柄杖上。That lying crook got his just rewards. 那个骗子罪有应得。She was cradling a small bundle in the crook of her elbow.她用手臂挎着一个小包。She figured out many ingenious ways to crook her boyfriend.她想出许多巧妙的方法来欺骗她的男朋友。I tabbed him immediately as a crook.我一下子就认定他是个坏蛋。I'll finish this work by hook or by crook.我要用一切方法来完成这一工作。I decided I was going to get that job by hook or by crook.我下定决心无论如何都要得到那份工作。Al Pacino plays a reformed crook who gets pulled back into a life of crime.阿尔·帕西诺饰演一个改过自新的罪犯,后来又走上犯罪道路。People have accused me of being a crook, but I didn't take any money that wasn't mine.大家指责我是骗子,可我没拿走一分不属于我的钱。Collins called the governor a crook and said he should be removed from office.柯林斯把州长称作骗子,并说应该把他赶下台。The construction company had to get the contract, by hook or by crook.那家建设公司欲得契约,不择手段。He carried the package in the crook of his arm.他臂弯里挎著一个包裹。The squirrel sat in the crook of the tree.松鼠坐在这棵树的打弯处。The man is a crook and a liar.那人是个骗子,满嘴谎言。She lay curled up in the crook of his arm.她蜷缩着躺在他的臂弯里。




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