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词汇 strategic
例句 This bridge is of great strategic importance to the enemy and must be destroyed.这座桥梁对敌人有重大战略意义,必须加以摧毁。Such a strategic attack, mounted by cyberterrorists, would shut down everything from power stations to air traffic control centres.由网络恐怖分子发起的这种有战略性的袭击,可能会使得从发电厂到空中交通管制中心的所有设施全部瘫痪。The bridges have great strategic value.这座桥具有重要的战略意义。His understanding of our business will further strengthen our strategic direction.他对我们公司的理解会进一步巩固我们策略的发展方向。These problems demonstrate the importance of strategic planning.这些问题显示出了战略规划的重要性。We believe this acquisition is a good strategic fit for us.我们认为这项收购会是一次很好的战略协调。They want a foothold in the strategic Horn of Africa.他们希望能在战略要地非洲之角有个立足之地。Diego Garcia gives the U. S. A. strategic position astride major sea lanes.迪戈加西亚岛使美国获得一种控制海上主要航道的战略地位。The decision is the strategic fulcrum of the Budget.这项决议是国家预算的战略支持。We must put these newspapers in the best possible strategic position for the long term.我们必须从长远出发尽可能将这些报纸置于最重要的战略地位。In Western eyes, Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance.在西方人眼里,伊拉克是个强国,位于具有重要战略意义的地区。The distinction between tactical nuclear weapons and strategic nuclear weapons is almost entirely one of use.战术核武器和战略核武器的区别几乎仅在于用途不同。UN forces made a strategic withdrawal.联合国部队作了战略性撤退。The island is of strategic importance to France.该岛对法国来说具有重要的战略意义。Regional managers occupy a crucial role in developing a strategic framework.地区经理在规划整体策略中起着至关重要的作用。A lot of ground has been covered in unpacking the issues central to achieving this market-led strategic change.在分析实现这个以市场为导向的战略转变的关键问题时,涉及了诸多领域。Talks to limit strategic arms were marking time.限止战略武器的谈判没有什么进展。A compromise on strategic arms limitation was finally in the works.有关战略武器限制的一项妥协方案终于就要达成了。The extent to which it helped to promote Britain's broader strategic interests was sometimes questionable.它对于促进英国获得更广泛的战略利益到底有多大的帮助,这一点有时候值得怀疑。The strategic petroleum reserve would cushion the effects of any future oil embargo.石油的战略性储备将减轻任何未来石油禁运造成的影响。The extent to which it helped to promote Britain's broader strategic interests was sometimes questionable.这究竟在何种程度上有益于英国获得更广泛的战略利益,有时仍旧令人生疑。The hill is located at a strategic position.这块高地处于重要的战略位置。The decision is the strategic fulcrum of the Budget.这一决定是预算案的战略支点。The British army made a strategic withdrawal across the English Channel.英国军队进行了一次横渡英吉利海峡的战略性撤退。Eve had placed marble benches at strategic points throughout the garden.伊芙已经在花园里各重要的地方放置了大理石长椅。They are pushing hard to improve their strategic nuclear capabilities.他们正全力以赴增强他们的战略核力量。The strategic alliance served to strengthen the country's hand in the region.战略联盟能够增强该国在这一地区的影响。She was responsible for the firm's strategic planning.她负责这家公司的战略策划。Marksmen were placed at strategic points along the president's route.在总统所经路线的要害地点安排了神枪手。His own country had made the same strategic error.他的国家犯了同样的战略性错误。The raison d'être for a strategic weapon is to deter.战略武器存在的理由是遏制。It's a strategic decision.这是一项战略决策。The authorities had chained off the access road and positioned police in strategic places.当局用链条把进路拦断,并在要害地点布置警察站岗。The group acknowledged that the parting of the ways was a result of differing opinions concerning the strategic focus of their business.该团体承认分道扬镳是他们对生意上战略重点的不同意见造成的。These regulations effectively limit our available strategic choices.这些规则有效地限制了我们可用的战略选择。He would, for a hefty fee, purvey strategic advice to private corporations.他会为了巨额酬金把战略性建议透露给私营公司。Roosevelt's chief worry at the time was that an attack on Britain would put the US at a strategic disadvantage.罗斯福当时主要担心的是,对英国的进攻会让美国处于不利的战略地位。Using the Internet is one of the company's top strategic priorities.使用因特网是该公司顶级的优先战略之一。I used to work in strategic planning.我曾在战略规划部工作。These problems have undoubtedly blunted the impact of strategic bombing.这些问题无疑降低了战略轰炸造成的影响。




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