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Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.他们目前的策略就是保持低调,让事态渐渐平息。We have to develop a new policy/strategy to deal with the problem.我们必须制定一项新政策/策略来处理这个问题。He gave a more lucid exposition of the party's strategy than Bush has managed in months of obfuscation.相对于布什几个月来的语焉不详,他对该党的策略作了较为清晰的阐述。The government has backed away from its nuclear weapons strategy.政府已经放弃核武器战略。There were gaps in their counterterrorist strategy.他们的反恐战略存在漏洞。The company is changing its pricing policy/strategy.公司正在改变其定价方针/策略。There are signs of growing division within the administration about the best strategy to adopt.有迹象表明:对于什么是可以采用的最佳策略,政府内部出现了越来越大的分歧。The committee spent a good deal of time finessing their strategy.该委员会花费了大量时间完善策略。The strategy is to put some distance between the English and Scottish branches of the party.该策略是使该党的英格兰支部和苏格兰支部断开联系。In the past, strategy was dictated by the head office.在过去,策略是由总部完全主导的。There is a strong precedent for such a strategy.有先例有力地说明这一战略可行。The company reaped rich dividends with its new strategy.公司推出新战略后获得了丰厚的收益。The press latched onto the marketing strategy.媒体开始对营销策略感兴趣。Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.盖茨以一篇有关部署策略的鸿篇大论予以回应。The coaches discussed strategy during halftime.中场休息时,教练们商量了战术。What should our marketing strategy have achieved?.我们的销售策略应该取得了哪些成果呢?The International Monetary Fund should not lend another cent until the government has a credible strategy.在该国政府拿出切实可行的策略之前,国际货币基金组织不应该再借给它一分钱。The President convinced people that he had a workable exit strategy to free his forces from the conflict.总统让人们相信他有切实可行的退出策略从这一冲突中撤军。You should take careful note of what she tells you because she knows their strategy well.你应该仔细留意她对你说的话,因为她对他们的策略了如指掌。His military strategy is to divide and conquer.他的军事策略是分而治之。We will continue to update our sales strategy.我们会不断更新销售策略。The main focus of her speech was on the new sales strategy.她演说的重点在新的销售策略上。The new developments require a new coherence of strategy.事态的新发展需要一种新的策略上的一致性。The committee drew up a draft strategy for dealing with future floods.委员会草拟了一份应对未来洪灾的策略。Their single-minded pursuit of this controversial strategy led to their fall from power.一意孤行地奉行这项有争议的策略导致了他们的倒台。His investment strategy is based on a simple formula.他的投资策略基于一个简单的方案。The Prime Minister's economic development strategy has not delivered the promised benefits.首相的经济发展战略并未带来他所许诺的利益。If problems do arise, I have an exit strategy.如果确实出现问题,我有办法脱身。Experience shows that this strategy does not always work.经验表明这项策略并不总是起作用。This strategy effectively neutralized what the party had hoped would be a vote-winner.这一策略有效地冲淡了该政党希望在选举中获胜的心态。We need a strategy that can be implemented quickly.我们需要一个立即能实施的策略。With 20/20 hindsight we now see where our strategy went wrong.事后想来,现在我们明白策略哪里出了问题。They have shaped a careful strategy for winning the election.为赢得竞选,他们策划出了一个周密的策略。This strategy looks increasingly moth-eaten.这种策略愈来愈显得老套。The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative strategy.反对党到目前为止还没有提出其他的策略。Her strategy worked like a charm.她的策略完全奏效了。We are now piloting through Parliament a new strategy to tackle youth crime.我们正促使议会顺利通过解决青少年犯罪问题的一项新策略。The bank is clearly fed up with the constant jibe that it has no clear management strategy.银行显然已经听厌了那些嘲讽其缺乏明确管理策略的风凉话。He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernising the service.他未能制定出一条连贯的策略来实现服务的现代化。The charity is drawing up a strategy to meet the needs of the homeless.慈善机构正在拟订一项计划,以满足无家可归者的需要。 |