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We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.我们不能对自己的任何一款产品沾沾自喜。It is certainly understandable that he would be so devoted to his home and family.他对自己的家庭和家人会尽心尽力,这当然可以理解。He's been out for a long time now.他公开自己的同性恋身份已经有很长一段时间了。She inspected her nails casually.她漫不经心地看了看自己的指甲。They reserved for themselves the choicest plums.他们把最好的留给自己。He felt as if he had been slugged by a piece of lead pipe.他觉得自己像被一根铅管击中了。You should have done it yourselves.你们本应自己做的No-one excelled him at covering his tracks.没有人比他更会掩盖自己的行踪。It was very hot inside the car, and I felt as though I was suffocating.车内热得要命,我感到自己快要闷死了。She moved out of the house because she wanted her own personal space.她从家里搬了出来,因为她需要拥有自己的个人空间。Seeing the tramp, Thomas remembered how he himself had been poor only a short time ago.看到这个流浪汉,托马斯想起了就在不久前他自己还是多么的贫穷。To sleep on my own was pure bliss.我自己一个人睡觉真是舒服极了。The party must stick to its beliefs.党必须坚持自己的信仰。She always manages to assert her point of view.她总是能明确地说出自己的观点。He poured her a drink, then filled his own glass.他给她倒了一杯,然后给自己的杯子斟满。I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions.我会让你自己得出结论。She went to the lavatory to check if her trouser zip was undone.她去厕所查看自己裤子的拉链是不是没拉上。He knew his limitations and acted accordingly.他知道自己能力有限,只能尽力而为。My heart was pounding in my ears.我能听到自己的心在怦怦地跳。She married Basil, the man of her choice.她嫁给了她自己选中的男人巴兹尔。Now he has a chance to put his life back in order.现在他有了一个让自己的生活重新步入正轨的机会。It's possibly a figment of his own imagination.这也许是他自己凭空想象的事。The alliance was ultimately successful in getting its message across.该联盟最终成功地传达了自己的信息。She felt trapped in an empty marriage.她觉得自己陷进了一段有名无实的婚姻中。If you value your health then you'll start being a little kinder to yourself.如果你重视自己的健康,你就要开始对自己好一点。You're all by yourself, you poor thing.你只能靠自己了,可怜的人。I soon realized my mistake.不久我就意识到自己的错误。She did not tolerate press intrusion into her private life.她不能容忍媒体侵扰自己的私生活。She had assembled a collection of her favourite songs.她收集了一些自己最喜欢听的歌。He submerges himself in the world of his imagination.他沉浸在自己想象的世界中。Several of the members have come up with suggestions of their own.有几位成员提出了自己的建议。She sets out her arguments clearly.她清晰地阐述了自己的论点。He wanted to leave a way out for himself. = He wanted to leave himself a way out.他想给自己留条出路。Ted might benefit from hearing his own voice recorded and played back.听自己声音的录音回放对特德可能会有帮助。After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself.吃过午饭,她照看着博比,听他说话,哄他说说自己的事。She joked that she could always get work as a truck driver if she lost her job.她开玩笑说如果自己失业了,总还能当个卡车司机。She forced me to look at myself in the cold light of day, and I didn't like what I saw.她迫使我冷静地审视自己,而我厌恶我的所见。Barbara stared at herself in the mirror.芭芭拉凝视著镜中的自己。I'll never accept parole because that entails me accepting guilt.我决不会接受假释,因为这就等于我承认自己有罪。Haitian strongman Duvalier could feel his power slipping away.海地的铁腕人物杜瓦利埃能够感觉到自己的权力在逐渐丧失。 |