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He's a bad credit risk.他很有可能借钱不还。The bank will determine if a potential borrower is a good/bad credit risk. 银行将确定一个潜在的借贷人是否存在良好的/不良的信用风险。The system assesses the credit risk of new borrowers.系统对新借款者的信贷风险进行评估。If you are already considered a credit risk by a bank, a secured loan might be your only alternative.如果银行已经认为你有信用风险,那么抵押贷款就是你唯一的选择了。The directors will have to assess our credit risk.董事们会评估我们的信用风险。Even if you are considered a bad credit risk, there are still a few options available to you for borrowing money. 即便你被认定无法还贷的风险较高,还是有几种借钱的方式可供你选择。 |