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词汇 山坡
例句 The tank whammed shells into the hillside.坦克朝着山坡猛烈开火。Rainfall had dislodged debris from the slopes of the volcano.雨水冲走了火山坡面上的岩屑。From the slope below, the wild goats bleated faintly.山坡下面,野山羊咩咩地轻声叫着。The bus sped down the long hill.公共汽车顺着长长的山坡疾驶而下。You should be in first on a hill like this.这样的山坡你应该挂一挡。He gave the sledge a push down the slope.他把雪橇朝山坡下推了一把。I love being on the slopes. 我喜欢山坡滑雪。Streams of rainwater rushed down the hillside.大量雨水顺山坡而下。The houses straggled down the hillside.房屋沿山坡顺势而下散乱分布。The only way to negotiate the muddy hillside is on foot.越过那条泥泞的山坡只能靠步行。There were more skiers further up the slope.山坡高一些的地方滑雪者更多。Leave the car in gear so it won't roll down the hill.把汽车挂上挡,别让它溜下山坡The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside.报春花应该开始沿着陡峭的山坡一路撒播种子了。The lava slurped and bubbled down the mountainside.熔岩汩汩地流下山坡They picked up momentum, then slipped into neutral and coasted quietly down the slope.他们先加大油门,接着切入空挡,悄无声息地滑下山坡Excessive logging has denuded the hillside of trees.过度砍伐树木使山坡变得光秃秃的。The path zigzagged down the hillside.小路沿着山坡弯弯曲曲而下。At the top of the hill I switched off the engine and we just coasted down the other side.在山顶,我关上发动机,我们就沿着另一侧的山坡顺势滑行。All that's left are some barren hillsides and a couple of exhausted mines.余下的只有一些光秃的山坡和几个挖空了的矿井。It took them all day to work their way up the leftward slope.他们花了一整天才爬上左边的山坡The rainbow seemed to end on the hillside.那彩虹好像到山坡那边就断了。Seconds after all were safe, the hillside erupted in flame.刚确认完一切安全,山坡就起火了。He ran helter-skelter down the slope.他匆匆忙忙地跑下山坡At first the wooded hillsides muted the sounds.最初长满树木的山坡吸收了噪音。There were a lot of sheep grazing high up on the mountain.很多羊在山坡高处吃草。Bev coasted downhill on her bicycle.贝夫骑着自行车靠惯性滑下山坡He hurdled the gate and scrambled up the hill.他翻越大门爬上了山坡The mountainside has been laid bare by loggers. 这片山坡被伐木工人砍成了光秃秃的一片。The sledge coasted down the slope.雪橇沿著山坡向下滑行。Gardens on the windward side of a hill receive more rain than those on the lee side.山坡向风面的花园比背风面的雨水多。John toiled up the dusty ascent.约翰费力地爬上满是尘土的山坡A large glacier steepened the side of the mountain.一大块冰川使得山坡更陡了。Our troops were bivouacked all over the hillside.我们的部队被安排在山坡各处宿营。The hills look very bleak in wintertime.冬季这些山坡看上去很荒凉。There were a number of cottages scattered here and there across the hillside.山坡那边零零星星地有一些村舍。A hillside began eroding away from beneath a private road.一面山坡从一条私家道路以下开始风化。The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape.开阔的火山坡让人心生怪异地联想起月球的地貌。Strong winds sweep the mountainside.强风掠过山坡Rainwater had scoured away the hillsides.雨水冲走山坡的泥沙。The vineyard covers the slope.葡萄园遮住了整个山坡




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