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词汇 山地
例句 Does your personal accident insurance cover mountain rescue?你的人身意外保险包括山地救援吗?Scars are status symbols among mountain-bike riders.伤疤是山地自行车选手的身份象征。Mountain gorillas are on the verge of extinction.山地大猩猩几乎绝种。The company's latest mountain bikes outclass all the competition.公司最新的山地自行车轻而易举地超越了所有的竞争对手。Hillwalking is not my scene, so I stayed at home.山地远足不是我的兴趣所在,所以我待在家里。The mountain community is held together by deep historical and religious bonds.这些山地社区是由深远的历史与宗教纽带维系着的。We rode our mountain bikes through the woods.我们骑山地自行车穿过了树林。He enjoys mountain biking.他喜欢骑山地自行车。I executed the hairpin turn high on the sheer western face of the mountains.我在又高又陡的山地西面成功打了个急转弯。Lizzie bought herself a mountain bike.莉齐给自己买了辆山地自行车。Mountains form a natural barrier that keeps invaders out.山地构成抵御侵略者的天然屏障。Forthcoming events include a concert and a trip to the mountains.即将举行的活动包括一场音乐会和一次山地旅行。The mountain rescue service had several call-outs last week.山地救护队上周好几次应召出动。The air of hills is cooler than that of plains.山地的空气比平原的空气凉快。Flooding was caused by water gushing into rivers from uplands.山地奔流而下的水涌入河中引发了洪水。The sheep graze in the uplands.羊在山地上吃草。This small town is the country's top mountain-biking destination.这个小镇是该国进行山地自行车运动的首选之地。




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