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The tiger was finally captured two miles outside the village.这只老虎终于在村外两英里的地方被捕获了。Some publishers treat the market like a fruit machine, jamming in anything that looks remotely like cash.有些出版商把销售市场当作一台吃角子老虎,只要稍微有一点儿像钱币的东西就会拿来塞进机器中去。Tigers are among the rarest of the big cats.老虎是稀有的大型猫科动物。The tiger is without doubt the most magnificent of the big cats.老虎无疑是大型猫科动物中最威武的。The tiger has made several kills in this area.这只老虎已经在这一地区咬死了好几个人。Sometimes tigers rely on stealth, creeping towards their victims.有时候老虎依靠偷偷摸摸的动作,潜行着向猎物接近。Lions and tigers are carnivores.狮子和老虎是食肉动物。She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children.她会像老虎一样凶猛地保护自己的孩子。The tiger pulled the deer to pieces.老虎把鹿撕得粉碎。It is difficult to obtain an accurate estimate of how many tigers are left.很难准确估计所剩老虎的数量。A tiger can pull a roebuck to pieces in a matter of minutes.一只老虎可以在几分钟内把一只雄鹿撕碎。People said that the tiger was still lurking close to.人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。He moved like a tiger prowling the jungle.他像丛林中潜行的老虎一样悄悄前行。The Head paced the room, something after the fashion of the tiger at the Zoo.头目在房间里踱来踱去,有点儿像动物园里踱步的老虎。The hunter crept to within rifleshot of the tiger.猎人匍匐前进直到那只老虎进入步枪射程。The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival of the tiger.这次宣传运动有望确保老虎的生存。Although tigers still exist, they're not very common.尽管仍有老虎,但已很少见。The tigers rolled over and over in the mud.这些老虎在泥里滚来滚去。A tiger appeared from nowhere.突然地出现了一只老虎。A tiger attacked one of the keepers.一只老虎袭击了其中一名饲养员。She prowled around the room like a caged tiger.她像笼子里的老虎一样在屋里来回踱步。After the tiger was caught, it was caged.老虎被捉住后关进了笼子。A tiger has a large territory to defend.老虎要保卫的地盘很广。Tigers don't live in Africa. 非洲没有野生老虎。After a slow start, the Tigers are going great guns.在经历了开局的低迷之后,老虎队现在攻势如潮。Alongside of me, only three paces removed, stood the tiger.在我的旁边,只有三步之遥的地方,就站着那老虎。The tiger will be waiting with fangs bared.老虎会龇着尖牙一直等待。I didn't know you got tigers in Europe.我不知道欧洲有老虎。India is the home of elephants and tigers.印度出产大象和老虎。Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature.这个年龄的孩童常常讲到被老虎和狮子吃掉以及类似的事情。The tiger moved silently through the jungle.老虎一声不响地穿过丛林。The captured tiger was on the rampage for several days.捕获的老虎几天来一直处于狂躁不安中。Tigers are broadly/loosely defined as large cats.老虎被泛泛地界定为大型猫科动物。The footprints belonged to a large cat, a tiger, perhaps.这些足迹是大型猫科动物的,可能是老虎的。Tigers run fast.老虎跑起来快。Tigers have orange fur with black stripes.老虎有带黑色条纹的橘黄色毛皮。The tiger suspected danger and ran away.老虎意识到危险便逃跑了。We saw lots of lions, tigers, elephants, etc.我们看到了很多狮子、老虎、大象等动物。The hunters lost the tiger's trail in the middle of the jungle.猎人们在丛林中央找不到那只老虎的踪迹了。The cat family includes lions and tigers.猫科动物包括狮子和老虎。 |