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词汇 creams
例句 The child ate three ice creams today.那孩子今天吃了三个冰淇淋。Do not apply ointments or creams to burns and scalds.不要在烧伤或烫伤处涂抹油膏或乳膏。The children sat licking their ice creams.孩子们坐着舔着冰淇淋。Julie arranged her perfumes and creams in neat rows on the dressing table.朱丽把她的香水和面霜一排排整齐地摆放在梳妆台上。Revlon is really pushing its new range of beauty creams.露华浓公司正在大力推销新的护肤霜系列。The creams have been used to reduce vaginal infections.已使用这种乳膏来减少阴道感染。Some creams we tested failed to give adequate protection against UV light.我们检测的有些防晒霜不能提供足够的防紫外线保护。Claims that anti-cellulite creams can break down fat are controversial.纤体霜可以分解脂肪的说法有争议。They spent all their pocket money on ice creams.他们把零花钱全用来买了冰激凌。The children were regaling on strawberry ice creams.孩子们在乐滋滋地大啖草莓冰淇淋。Soothing moisturizing creams and lotions often help.有舒缓和保湿效果的乳霜和护肤液往往会有用。We did a roaring trade in ice creams last week.上星期我们的冰淇淋卖得非常火。Anti-age creams always sell well.抗衰老护肤霜总是很畅销。Keep your skin radiant using creams and lotions.使用护肤霜和润肤乳令肌肤保有光泽。The shop had completely sold out of ice creams.商店的冰激凌已经销售一空。Doctors can treat acne with creams.医生可用药膏治疗粉刺。We strolled along on the promenade eating ice creams.我们吃着冰激凌,沿海滨大道散步。The pair of them sucked at their ice creams.他俩各自舔食着冰激凌。My doctor recommended several different creams for dry skin, but none of them worked.医生推荐了几种适合干性皮肤使用的乳霜,但都不管用。A range of ointments and creams is available for the treatment of eczema.有一系列治疗湿疹的油膏和乳膏可以买到。Let the milk stand till it creams.让牛奶静置,直至结成奶油。They stuffed themselves with ice creams, chocolate and lollies.他们填了一肚子的冰激凌、巧克力和棒棒糖。Cleansing creams leave an oily film on the face.洁面霜在脸上留下薄薄的一层油脂。If your skin is parched and flaky, moisturize it with balms and creams.如果你的皮肤干燥脱皮,用香油膏和面霜滋润它。Jojoba can be used instead of beeswax as an emulsifier in creams.霍霍巴油可以代替蜂蜡用作面霜中的乳化剂。Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation.防晒霜能隔离有害的紫外线辐射。There are many creams available from the chemist which should clear the infection.很多能够消除这种感染的药膏在药店就能买到。The collagen that is included in face creams comes from animal skin.面霜中的胶原蛋白取自动物皮层。The children sat licking ice creams.孩子们坐着舔吃冰淇淋。The ice creams came and we tucked in.冰激凌来了,我们开始大吃特吃。The collagen that is included in face creams comes from animal skin.面霜中所含的胶原蛋白来自动物皮肤。




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