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例句 He markets his wares at craft shows.他在工艺品展览会上出售自己的货品。More cash will be saved by shutting studios and selling outside-broadcast vehicles.通过关闭演播室和出售实况转播车将节省更多资金。We'll have to repaint the house for it to be salable.我们必须重新粉刷房屋以便于出售Some stalls are selling celluloid masks and kokeshi.有些摊子上出售赛璐珞面具和小木偶。From a strictly financial point of view, selling the house makes sense.单纯从财务角度看,出售那所房子有其合理性。The city council authorized the sale of the land.市议会批准这块土地出售Pure alcohol is not for sale to the general public.纯酒精不对公众出售The board of directors disapproved the sale.董事会不同意这一出售计划。The new owner has parceled off many of the company's assets.新主人把公司的许多财产分成小份以出售The council's phone lines had been jammed by callers opposed to the sale.理事会的电话被反对出售的人打爆了。Police probed claims that he had sold drugs.警方就有人称他出售毒品一事进行了调查。When food stores close, they go to work, pilfering food for resale on the black market.食品店关门后,他们就行动起来,偷窃食物拿到黑市上出售Houses are selling at top prices.房屋正以最高价格出售The detergent is available as a powder or a liquid.出售的清洁剂有粉末状和液态可供选择。The house across the road is for sale.马路对面的房子出售The book is sold only in hardback.这部书只有精装版出售This model comes in several sizes. 这种型号的产品有多种尺寸出售The fish are on sale from our own coastal waters.出售的鱼来自我们自己的近海水域。They sell wine at cut-rate prices.他们以极低的价格出售葡萄酒。New potatoes are in the shops now.新马铃薯现已在店里出售了。We are offering these scarves for sale again by request.应大众要求我们再次出售这些头巾。The shipping line is losing money, and the government wants to sell it.那家轮船公司处于亏损状态,因此政府想把它出售The Manor is for sale at a negotiable price.这所庄园现在出售,价格可议。We found two second-hand chairs that were going for a song.我们发现两把以极低价格出售的二手椅子。Baby rabbits for sale. Enquire within.幼兔出售,请入内洽询。He was arrested after trying to sell guns to an undercover FBI agent.他试图向一名联邦密探出售枪支而被拘捕。They sell tuxedos, business suits, casual wear…the lot.他们出售男士晚礼服、商业套装、休闲装等所有款式。The liquor was sold legally and trucked out of the state.这种烈酒合法出售后用卡车运出了该州。She sold trinkets to tourists.她向游客出售廉价饰品。He has been trying unsuccessfully to sell the business in one piece since early last year.早在去年初他就想把企业整体出售,但没有卖成。We sell all sorts of books.我们出售各类图书。There is a regulation against adulterated cosmetics.规定禁止出售假冒化妆品。We sell a full range of sports apparel.我们出售各种各样的运动装。Our store sells nothing but the best. = We sell only the best. 本店只出售最佳商品。We sell quality tools at the right price.我们出售的工具价格公道,质量优良。They sell reliable products at very keen prices.他们以低廉的价格出售质量可靠的产品。Is my live-in girlfriend legally entitled to a share of the proceeds from the sale of the house?我的同居女友从法律上说有权分享出售房子所得的收益吗?The government imposed a ban on the sale of ivory.政府禁止出售象牙。Speakers are sold as add-ons for personal stereos.扬声器作为随身听的附加装置出售Is the vendor always held responsible if goods are faulty?小贩对出售的次货是否一概负责?




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