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词汇 出口处
例句 I pulled off the road at the next exit.我在下一个出口处把车停在了路边。The panic-stricken crowd pushed through the exit, and 10 people were crushed to death.惊恐万状的人群从出口处冲出,有十个人被挤死。The movie ended, and there was a rush for the exits.电影散场了,人们向出口处涌去。The egress is marked on the doors of the building.建筑物的一些门上标明了出口处The army roadblocked all exits.军队在各出口处都设了卡。The arrow pointed left towards the exit door.箭头向左标明出口处的门。All the tickets were taken up at the exit.票都在出口处收去。There is only one exit from the theater.这家戏院只有一个出口处A dozen or so armed guards formed a ring around the exit.十几名武装的卫兵在出口处围成一圈。People were emptying out of all the exits from the building.人们正从大楼的所有出口处走出来。I was already on my feet, straining for the exit.我已经站起来,拼命向出口处挤去。He made a break for the exit.他往出口处逃去。




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