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词汇 老头儿
例句 The headmaster isn't a bad old skin.校长是个挺不错的老头儿He's an odd old man.他是个古怪的老头儿The old man took a look at the kooky pop-music scene.老头儿看了一下流行音乐会如痴如狂的怪诞场面。All the money goes to her when the old man kicks the bucket.老头儿蹬腿儿后,所有的钱财就都归她了。He was a nice old boy.他是个好老头儿Her father is a feisty old codger.她父亲是个好跟人斗嘴的老头儿The old boy had some trouble getting up the stairs.这个老头儿上楼梯有些困难。The old man spoke God knows how many languages.天知道这个老头儿懂多少种语言。The poor old sod - I don't suppose he's got a home.这可怜的老头儿——我觉得他没有家。The old man cackled at his own joke.老头儿为自己讲的笑话格格笑了起来。Outside, two old boys lingered on the street corner discussing cattle.两个老头儿在外面街角迟迟不走,聊着牛的事情。The old man drove a somewhat young car.老头儿开着一辆似乎是年轻人开的汽车。Did the old boy drink? Could that have been the source of his good humour?老头儿喝酒了吗?会不会是因此心情大好呢?The old man floats from place to place with nothing to do.老头儿到处游荡,无所事事。




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