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词汇 美化
例句 Trying to prettify the process of death can lead us seriously astray.设法美化死亡过程会将我们引上歧路。The painter quite obviously set out to flatter his sitter.很显然,画家尽力美化他的模特。Some politicians heroize themselves to their constituents.有些政治家在他们的选民面前把自己美化成英雄。Flat paint or wallpaper can hide a multitude of sins.无光涂料或墙纸可以起到美化的作用。The movie prettified what was in reality a very bloody battle.这部电影美化了原本非常血腥的战斗。Accounts of this series of battles have often been prettified.有关这一系列战役的报道常被人们美化Lewis's novel doesn't flatter Midwestern attitudes and morals.刘易斯的小说并没有美化美国中西部人的生活态度和道德观念。They condemn the glorification of violence on TV.他们谴责电视对暴力的美化The movie was criticized for glamorizing crime and violence.这部电影因美化犯罪和暴力而受到批评。Film-makers have often been accused of glamorizing organized crime.电影制作者常常被指责美化了有组织的犯罪。Lights are used for security and to enhance buildings.灯光既可用于安保,又能美化建筑物。I wouldn't dignify the cooking area by the name of kitchen.我才不会把这块做饭的地方称为厨房来美化它呢。I didn't like the way the film glorified war/violence.我不喜欢那部电影美化战争/暴力的手法。Helen is on the beautification committee of the city.海伦是城市美化委员会的成员之一。He phrased his version of the story in a way that made him look good.他以一种美化自己的方式讲述了这个故事。The landowner insisted on a high standard of landscaping.土地所有人坚持以高标准进行美化TV has been accused of glamorizing crime.电视被指控美化犯罪。The city is trying to prettify its downtown.这座城市正努力美化商业区。Everything in the town seems to have been prettified to within an inch of its life.镇上的各种事物看来都被过度美化,其生命力几乎就此殆灭。The movie romanticizes the old South.这部电影把过去的南方美化了。Magazines about home improvement were very thin on the ground at the time - not like now.和现在不同,那时候以美化家居为内容的杂志为数不多。The mayor convoked a committee to discuss the beautification of the city.市长召集了一次委员会讨论城市的美化They paid the earth to have their garden landscaped.他们花了一大笔钱请人在他们的花园里造景美化We were romanticizing about the past.我们在美化过去。Critics object to the film's glorification of violence.批评家们反对这部电影对暴力的美化She was doing everything she could to glamorize and publicize her cause.她想方设法美化和宣传她的事业。The limousine was really just a glorified taxi.那部加长礼车不过是辆美化了的出租车而已。In keeping with the general mood of the time, these novels tended to sentimentalize the past.与当时的总体气氛一致,这些小说都有美化过去的倾向。Exercise will improve your looks and your outlook.锻炼身体能够美化你的外貌并提升你的人生观。The book is a vain attempt to glorify the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history.该书试图美化现代史上一名最残暴的独裁者,结果是白费劲。Life in the wild is vastly overrated.野外生活被过分美化了。The flooring and landscaping will be done by contractors.地板铺设和室外美化将由承包人来做。Politicians dress up their ruthless ambition as a pursuit of the public good.政客们将他们的狼子野心美化成是谋求公共利益。Politicians have complained that the media glorify drugs.政治家们抱怨媒体美化毒品。I've landscaped my tiny front yard with tall grasses.我用了一些高大的草来美化屋前的小花园。It presented an intolerably prettified view of the countryside.它对农村进行了过度的美化The ad glamorized life in the army, emphasizing travel and adventure.这个宣传广告美化了军旅生活,着重渲染军人们的旅游和探险经历。I'm not trying to glorify or idealise women.我不是要美化女人或把她们理想化。Filmmakers have often been accused of glamorizing organized crime.电影制片人常常被指责美化了集团犯罪。They had landscaped their property with trees, shrubs, and lawns.他们用树、灌木和草坪来美化宅邸。




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