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例句 James was taken to hospital but died soon afterwards.詹姆斯被送到了医院,但是很快就死了。The opposition tried to divide Parliament again soon afterwards.不久以后,反对党试图使议会再次进行分组表决。Squeeze the spot gently and dab on some disinfectant afterwards.轻轻地挤压那个粉刺,然后再抹上点儿消毒剂。He really upset Lydia, although give him his due, he did apologize afterwards.他确实得罪了莉迪娅,不过说句公道话,他过后也确实道歉了呀。Christie looked relaxed and calm as he faced the press afterwards.后来面对记者的时候,克里斯蒂显得放松而镇静。Her husband died, and she died soon afterwards of a broken heart.她的丈夫死了,不久她因伤心而去世。We recycle our waste, but what happens to it afterwards is completely off our radar.我们回收垃圾,但是这之后发生了什么我们就一点都不知道了。I propose going to an early film and having dinner afterwards.我提议去看早场电影,然后再吃晚饭。If you're a good boy at the doctor's, I'll take you swimming afterwards.看医生的时候你要是听话,看完病我就带你去游泳。Once you are practised at this sort of relaxation you will feel quite refreshed afterwards.一旦你熟悉了这种放松方式,之后就会感到神清气爽。Marie got up especially early to do all her work so that she could enjoy herself afterwards with a clear conscience.玛丽起得特别早,干完了所有的活,这样她接下去就可以问心无愧地玩个痛快。He remained on his knees for a long time afterwards, ashamed by his failure of nerve.他后来在地上跪了很久,为自己缺乏胆量而感到羞耻。She wondered where they were going to rendezvous afterwards.她想知道之后他们要去哪里约会。He got knocked on the head last year and he was very queer afterwards.去年,他头上挨过一击,打那以后脑子很不正常。A couple of years afterwards I bumped into her in a supermarket.几年以后我在一家超级市场里碰见了她。She left not long afterwards.她没过多久便走了。Soon afterwards he separated from his wife.随后他便和妻子分居了。A few days afterwards a heavy wagon passed through the gully.几天后一辆大篷车经过了这个小峡谷。Suffice it to say that afterwards we never met again.一句话,此后我们再也没有见过面。Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we'd go to our respective classes.所有人都去礼堂参加集会,会后各自回各自的班级。The fox took up the disease, and afterwards communicated it to others.那只狐狸染了病,后来又把病传染开了。Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career.今后回想起来你就会明白,你这段低潮期并非是你事业发展的终点。She made her big screen debut shortly afterwards.之后不久她首次在大银幕上亮相。Shortly afterwards, police arrested four suspects.之后不久,警方逮捕了四名嫌疑人。The meeting will be postponed till afterwards.会议将延后举行。You should be careful before you do anything rash. Remember, you'll have to live with yourself afterwards.你应该想清楚,不要草率行事。要记住,一切后果都要自负。You can go home afterwards and watch Inspector Morse in colour.之后你就可以回家,看彩色版的电视连续剧《摩斯警长》。The operation was rather painful, but I felt a lot better afterwards.手术的时候很痛,但过后我感觉好多了。I'd rather you knew that now, than afterwards.与其以后让你知道,不如现在就让你知道。He went into a coma and died soon afterwards.他进入昏迷状态,后来很快就死了。Soon afterwards he left to begin his career in the metropolis.不久之后他就离开到大城市去开展事业了。We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the garden for a while.我们喝了茶,后来在花园里坐了一会儿。The way he spoke in the bar afterwards revealed prejudice and bitterness that I had never suspected.后来他在酒吧里说的那些话道出了他的偏见和怨愤,这是我以前未曾怀疑过的。Soon afterwards he separated from his wife.不久以后,他和妻子分居了。Immediately afterwards there entered a stern-looking man arrayed in a black frock.这以后立刻进来了一个身穿黑色僧袍表情严厉的男人。She stayed for a while afterwards.她后来又呆了一些时候。The hoax made national news, and people were talking about it for weeks afterwards.这个恶作剧成了全国新闻,几个星期之后仍旧是人们的话题。We had a bit of a laugh about it afterwards.后来我们还为此笑过一阵子。Delia was frightened of the operation, because afterwards she knew she would look repulsive.迪莉娅害怕做手术,因为她知道自己在手术之后样子会变得令人讨厌。Let's go and see a film and afterwards we could go for a meal.我们去看场电影吧,之后可以去吃顿饭。




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