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词汇 after the war
例句 John decided to start his own textile business shortly after the war.战后不久,约翰决定创办自己的纺织企业。Many streets were renamed after the war.许多街道在战后都改名了。The factory was sold to a British combine after the war.战后该工厂被卖给了英国的一家集团公司。The country suffered economic prostration after the war.战后,这个国家的经济一蹶不振。The country's borders were redrawn after the war. 这个国家的边界在战后被重新划定。The group reformed after the war.这个团体战后进行了改组。Many navy ships were mothballed after the war.战后,很多海军军舰被封存起来。Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America.在波多黎各的战事很短暂;但是战争结束后,西班牙将该岛屿割让给了美国。The troops were disembodied after the war.战后军队被遣散。A new government was set up after the war.新政府于战后成立。Many goods remained on the ration for several years after the war ended.战争结束几年了,许多商品依旧实施定量供应。They regained their native place after the war.战后他们又回到了故乡。Outbursts of violence continued spasmodically after the war ended.战争结束后暴力冲突仍时断时续地爆发。When the two men met again after the war they renewed their friendship.两个人在战争结束后再次见面时重归于好。He escaped the trials after the war.战后他逃过了审判。The economy was in ruins after the war.战后经济完全陷于崩溃之中。Town planning of a kind got underway after the war.战后进行了名不副实的城市规划。The two ships were acquired by the navy after the war.战后这两艘船由海军所得。They lived through years of austerity after the war.战后,他们过了多年拮据的生活。Money was extremely scarce after the war.战后资金极为匮乏。His collected poems were published after the war.他的诗集在战后出版。He got his majority after the war.战后他获得少校军衔。A monument to the national heroes was erected here after the war.战后在这儿竖起了民族英雄纪念碑。Thousands of soldiers were discharged after the war.战后,成千上万的士兵被遣散。They renewed their friendship after the war.战后他们重修旧好。The Japanese prisoners of war were repatriated to their homeland after the war.日本战俘于战后被遣返回国。I was stationed there just after the war.战争刚结束,我就被派驻到那里。Born and bred in this country, he and his wife emigrated to Los Angeles after the war.尽管生于斯长于斯,他和妻子在战后还是移民去了洛杉矶。Robert's grandfather was given the baronetcy after the war.战后,罗伯特的祖父被授予准男爵爵位。I had a sudden flashback to the time immediately after the war.我的思绪突然闪回到战争刚结束的那段时间。He had a shop, but he went out of business after the war.他曾开了一家店,但战后他歇业了。Many ships in the navy's fleet were put in mothballs after the war.战后,很多海军军舰被封存起来。His proposals only came to fruition after the war.他的提议战后才得以实现。We were hurled together again in Paris after the war.战争结束之后我们又一次在巴黎相会了。The people learned of their government's mendacity only after the war had ended.战争结束后人们才了解到政府撒了谎。Conditions after the war led to the emergence of a new type of political party.战后的形势导致一类新政党的出现。Prosperity began to upspring after the war.战后开始出现繁荣。Long-term planning after the war laid the foundations for the nation's steady economic growth.战后的长期规划为该国经济稳定发展打下基础。My parents had got married just after the war.我父母在战争刚刚结束后就结婚了。He was reunited with his wife after the war.战后他与妻子重聚。




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