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词汇 美军
例句 Gunmen have repeatedly sniped at US Army positions.持枪匪徒一再朝美军阵地放冷枪。The US troops would be part of a multinational force.美军将是多国部队的一个组成部分。The President ordered all US forces to stand down.总统命令所有美军解除戒备状态。The French army hooked up with the Americans for the march to Paris.法军与美军汇合,挺进巴黎。Mexican forces were ordered to avoid all hostilities with the American troops.墨西哥军队奉命要完全避免与美军交战。US forces withdrew after suffering heavy losses.美军在遭受重大伤亡之后撤退了。They plan to deploy more American soldiers over the next six months.他们计划在下半年部署更多的美军士兵。The very neo-cons who fathered this disaster are now calling for more American troops to be sent to Iraq.引发这场灾难的这些新保守主义者现在又在要求派遣更多的美军去伊拉克。More harassment of U.S. troops followed, culminating in the death of a marine.之后美军又屡屡遭到袭击,最终导致一名海军陆战队士兵死亡。The mighty U.S. army was humbled by a small South East Asian country.强大的美军竟被一个小小的东南亚国家轻易击败。The President told American troops that he would do his level best to bring them home soon.总统跟美军士兵说他会尽其所能让他们早日回家。US forces took part in joint exercises with the British Navy.美军参加了与英国海军的联合演习。He strengthened US forces in the Gulf.他向海湾地区增派了美军He was vague, however, about just what U.S. forces might actually do.然而,他对美军实际可能采取的行动却闪烁其词。American fighter planes buzzed the city.美军战斗机群低空掠过该市。She was tarting around with some American airmen.她在和几个美军飞行员勾搭。US forces are fully prepared for the execution of any action once the order is given.美军作好了充分准备,一旦命令下达,可执行任何任务。Politicians should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of committing US troops to this conflict.政治家应仔细权衡使美军卷入这场冲突的利与弊。Most US soldiers welcomed the ground assault when the order was finally given.命令最终下达后,大多数美军士兵都愿发动地面突击。US troops around Fallujah, who have been held in suspension waiting for the election result, now know that an assault is imminent.费卢杰周边地区的美军部队一直在按兵不动等待选举结果,现在明白即将发起攻击。American forces did not directly engage.美军没有直接参战。American forces are observing Christmas quietly.美军正悄悄地庆祝圣诞节。American troops found themselves fighting a guerrilla war.美军发现自己是在打游击战。Western journalists are all embedded with the attacking US forces.西方记者全都跟随美军进攻部队采访。US troops in Panama will only be used to defend the Canal.在巴拿马的美军只是用来保护巴拿马运河的。US forces had to conduct ground and air operations.美军不得不组织一系列地面和空中行动。The guns cannonaded the American defences.大炮轰击了美军的防线。Computers identify threats and zap the results back to US pilots in the war zone.计算机发现危险情况会立刻把结果传回战区的美军飞行员。Critics accused the governor of being irresponsible, and claimed that his new proposal would put thousands of US troops at risk.批评家指责那位州长不负责任,声称他的新建议会将成千上万名美军推向险境。A US fleet blockaded the port of Veracruz.一支美军舰队封锁了韦拉克鲁斯港。You're listening to the American Armed Forces Network.您正在收听的是美军广播网。American forces have begun a big landing.美军已开始大规模登陆。




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