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词汇 普通人
例句 At first, the revolution had little impact on the lives of ordinary people.起初,革命对于普通人的生活没有多大影响。American evening soap operas tend to be about the rich, while British soaps follow the lives of ordinary people.美国晚间播出的肥皂剧大多是讲有钱人,而英国的肥皂剧则反映普通人的生活。The artist qua artist is less interesting to me than the artist as a human being.对我来说,这位艺术家的职业身份不如他的普通人身份有趣。She's a mere mortal like the rest of us.她像我们其他人一样只是个普通人Film stars and models seem to lead glamorous lives in comparison to ordinary folk.普通人相比,电影明星和模特儿们的生活似乎很光鲜。Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about ordinary people and fewer stories about the rich and famous.这本杂志的读者说他们希望多登一些普通人的故事,少登一些关于富人和名人的事情。Predictably, the eggheads thrashed the normals in the quiz.不出所料,在这个测试中学究们轻松地击败了普通人I am interested in documenting the effects of international events on ordinary people.我对记录国际事件对普通人的影响很感兴趣。He's a regular guy.他是个普通人This kind of music doesn't appeal to the man in the street.这种音乐不会引起普通人的兴趣。Despite everything, Elizabeth's human side keeps breaking through.不管怎样,伊丽莎白还是不断显露出其作为普通人的一面。One day ordinary people will be able to travel in space.总有一天普通人也能去太空旅行的。The novel describes the way of life of the ordinary people there.这部小说描写那里的普通人的生活方式。The book purported to represent the lives of ordinary people.这本书声称旨在展现普通人的生活。The average man or woman in the street doesn't know very much about immune disorders.普通人一般不是很了解何谓免疫机能紊乱。The most important issue for most ordinary people was nowhere on the proposed agenda.在提交的议事日程上找不到对大部分普通人来说最重要的议题。Do you expect to find in ordinary men the stuff of heroes?你指望在普通人身上看到英雄的品质吗?I'm just a very ordinary, boring normal guy.我只是一个颇为平庸无趣的普通人I'm just an ordinary bloke. 我不过是个普通人Much new knowledge is remote from the immediate interest of the ordinary person.许多新知识与普通人目前的利益关系甚远。He's an ordinary bloke, despite being famous.他尽管很出名,但还是一个普通人What does the man in the street think about it?普通人怎么看这事?He describes himself as just a regular guy from suburban Chicago.他说自己就是一个从芝加哥郊区来的普通人Tickets seem unobtainable to the ordinary mortal.普通人似乎很难搞到票。He's just your average guy. 他只是个普通人Ordinary people are at the mercy of faceless bureaucrats.普通人的命运任凭那些平庸刻板的官僚们摆布。It's ironic that the most important people in the country often have so little understanding of how ordinary people live.这国家最重要的人物经常对普通人的生活情况了解得那么少,太具有讽刺意味了。This stereo system is the most expensive in the range and is not the sort of thing that Joe Bloggs would buy.这种立体声音响是同类产品中最贵的,不是普通人会买的。The common man lives removed from the sophistication and ennui of the social elite.普通人的生活与社会精英的世故和百无聊赖的生活迥然不同。Democracy might elevate the common man to a position of political superiority.民主也许能提升普通人的政治地位,让他们产生优越感。Politicians don't care about ordinary people.政客不会关心普通人Sir Peter is an uncommon man who has earned the respect of common people.彼得爵士是位赢得普通人尊敬的不凡人物。The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people couldn't use it.公共土地的圈围意味著普通人将不能使用它。She prefers to be one of the crowd. 她宁愿做个普通人You don't have to be a genius to see that this plan will never work.普通人都看得出这个计划绝对行不通。We need an explanation that is readily intelligible to ordinary people.我们需要能让普通人一听就懂的解释。On the quiz show ordinary people pit their wits against a panel of celebrities.问答节目中,普通人与一群名人斗智。They treated us like a bunch of schmoes.他们把我们当成一群普通人对待。It may also appeal to the latent chauvinism of many ordinary people.它可能也迎合了许多普通人心中的沙文主义情结。Few of them actually impinge on the lives of ordinary people.他们中没有几个人真正侵犯到普通人的生活。




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