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词汇 craved
例句 She craved new experiences and sensations.她渴求新经历和新感觉。She craved luxury.她渴望奢侈的享受。The unhappy children craved their parents' love.不幸的孩子们渴望父母的爱。I've always craved love and acceptance.我一直渴望着爱和被接纳。He'd craved the attention of the older kids.他渴望得到大一些的孩子的注意。The artist craved recognition of his talents.这位艺术家渴望他的天才得到承认。I went to Winchester House for dinner, and craved his Lordship's pardon.我去了温彻斯特屋吃饭,并恳求爵爷的宽恕。He craved power over others, not so much for its own sake as for the thrill of the chase.他渴望得到至高的权力,与其说是为权力本身,还不如说是为了一种追逐的兴奋感。The review gave Picasso a taste of the recognition he craved.这篇评论让毕加索尝到了他渴望的认可。He craved a favor of the king.他恳求国王恩准。




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