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词汇 edged
例句 Christine edged her way round the back of the house.克里斯蒂娜慢慢地绕过房子的后面。Fame is a two-edged sword. 名声是一把双刃剑。She spoke with a knife-edged voice.她说话的声音很尖。He edged closer to the telephone.他慢慢挪向电话机。He edged away from the thugs.他慢慢走开,躲过那些暴徒。The cars edged forward with excruciating slowness.汽车缓缓向前移动,慢得让人难以忍受。He edged her towards the door.他慢慢地把她往门口挪动。He drew level and for a moment edged ahead of his rival.他追平了对手,有那么一会儿甚至略微领先。I edged the subject over to the election.我把话题慢慢引到选举问题上。Billy edged along the ledge, trying not to look down.比利在岩架上缓缓挪动,尽量不往下看。The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing hard-edged shadows on the ground.阳光明亮刺眼,在地上投下轮廓分明的影子。The main streets were edged on both sides with grass.主要街道两边都种上了草。Tourism is double-edged, boosting the economy but damaging the environment.旅游具有双重效应,带动经济的同时也会破坏环境。There was a two-edged message in the speech.讲话中有一条具有双重含意的信息。Jack edged past him to the window.杰克侧着身子绕过他走到窗口。She edged the car out into the street.她缓缓地把车开到街道上。I edged through to the front of the crowd. I had a grandstand view.我慢慢挤到了人群的前面,在那里我看得一清二楚。Wealth is a double-edged sword that brings problems as well as benefits.财富是一把双刃剑,既会带来问题,也会带来好处。He was edged out in the semifinals.他在半决赛中以几分之差被淘汰出局。I edged my way out of the crowd.我侧着身子慢慢挤出人群。She edged closer to get a better look.她慢慢地靠近想看得清楚一些。He edged closer to the telephone, ready to grab it.他慢慢挪向电话机,准备抓起听筒。The water was crystal-clear, edged by sparkling white sand.海水清澈透明,岸边是亮闪闪的白沙。This crisis is double-edged, political and personal.这次危机有政治上的和个人的双重后果。The garden is edged with/in/by flowers.花园边上都种着花。Being famous is often a double-edged sword.出名常常是一把双刃剑。But tourism is double-edged, boosting the economy but damaging the environment.但旅游业具有两面性,既刺激经济增长但又会破坏环境。He edged his chair nearer to the fire.他把椅子挪近炉火。It sounded like a double-edged comment.它听起来像意义双关的评论。She paid me the double-edged compliment of saying my work was "excellent for a beginner."她用“优秀的新手”这种毁誉参半的话来赞扬我的工作。A thought edged into her brain.一个想法渐渐进入她的脑子。He edged past the cart.他慢慢从手推车的边上走过。Strong leadership is a two-edged sword.强势的领导是一把双刃剑。Fame is a two-edged sword.名气是把双刃剑。She edged her chair nearer to the fireplace.她把椅子移近壁炉。On lap two, Baker edged forward.在第二圈时贝克渐渐领先了。The tablecloth is edged with lace.这块桌布镶了网眼花边。The sleeve was edged with/in lace. 袖口镶有蕾丝边。He edged the book in on the shelf.他把那本书插进书架。The Euro edged higher against the dollar.欧元对美元的比价渐渐上涨了。




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