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词汇 罢工者
例句 A group of supporters applauded the strikers as they were led into court.罢工者被带进法庭时,一群支持者为他们鼓掌。The strikers are holding out for a 5% pay increase.罢工者坚持要求增加薪资百分之五。The company's attempts to conciliate the strikers have failed.公司安抚罢工者的尝试失败了。The owners agreed to meet the strikers halfway.雇主同意向罢工者让步。The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands.罢工者的要求很不合理。The violent conduct by the strikers was condemned.罢工者的暴力行为受到谴责。Rumours were flying among the strikers.谣言在罢工者中间迅速传播。The strikers laid down their tools.罢工者放下手中的工具。Philip pledges his support for the strikers and offers to help in any way that he can.菲利普承诺将支持罢工者,并给予一切力所能及的帮助。The government issued a warning that the strikers should end their action or face dismissal.政府发布了警告,要求罢工者停止行动,否则将被解雇。The strikers have won/gained/secured some important/major concessions from the company.罢工者已使公司做出了一些重大让步。The strikers are demanding higher pay and better working conditions.罢工者要求加薪并改善工作环境。The president said that the company would not be held to ransom by strikes.总裁说公司不会被罢工者要挟。Critics have described the new bill as a strikers' charter.批评家把新法令称为罢工者的特权法。The strikers held picket signs painted with angry slogans.罢工者举着示威的牌子,上面写有愤怒的口号。The strikers are sticking out for higher pay.罢工者们坚持要求增加工资。Many of the strikers are still holding out.许多罢工者仍在坚持罢工。The strikers were disciplined by management.罢工者受到管理层的处罚。The strikers were harassed, beaten and put in jail for trespassing.罢工者受到骚扰、殴打,并因擅入私人土地入狱。Some of the strikers came barging into the meeting and demanded to speak with the directors.一些罢工者闯进会场要求和董事谈话。As the strike continues into its second week, it appears that the company holds all the aces in its negotiations with the strikers.随着罢工进入第二周,公司似乎在与罢工者的谈判中完全占了上风。The strikers built a blockade at the entrance to the works.罢工者在工厂的入口处设置了路障。He hired scabs to replace strikers.他雇了工贼接替罢工者Strikers outside the factory gate were shouting abuse at anybody who tried to get past them.厂门外的罢工者对任何试图突破他们的包围的人都破口痛骂。Clashes would break out between strikers and strikebreakers.罢工者和破坏罢工者之间将发生冲突。After three days, the strikers' demands were met almost without reservation.三天后,罢工者的要求几乎全部得到满足。The strikers knew they had a friend in the senator. 罢工者知道参议院有人支持他们。The strikers agreed to remove their pickets and hold talks with the government.罢工者同意撤回纠察队员,并和政府进行对话。The strikers were being unreasonable in their demands, having rejected the deal two weeks ago.罢工者的要求很不合理,他们在两周前已拒绝接受这份协议。The strikers want higher wages, which state governments say they can't afford.罢工者希望得到更高的工资,而州政府称其无力支付。Threats of dismissal were intended to put pressure on the strikers.以开除相威胁,目的是向罢工者施加压力。




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