例句 |
We peeped through a crack in the fence and saw Mrs Finley talking to a strange-looking man.我们从篱笆的一条缝里偷偷地望去,只见芬利太太和一名长相古怪的男子在说话。There was some icky black stuff between the tiles.瓷砖缝里有些令人恶心的脏东西。She watched him from behind half-closed eyelids.她从半闭的眼睛缝里看着他。There was a revolting green slime in between the bathroom tiles.浴室的瓷砖缝里有一摊令人作呕的绿色黏液。The larvae burrow into cracks in the floor.幼虫会钻进地板缝里。There was dirt under his nails.他的指甲缝里有污垢。I mixed up some filler to put in the cracks.我调制了一些腻子填塞到缝里。 |