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词汇 缓缓地
例句 She eased her large bulk out of the chair.缓缓地将她那庞大的身躯从椅子上挪开。Mourners slowly passed though the gateway of the cemetery.送葬者缓缓地穿过公墓入口。We saw an elephant lumbering along the road.我们看到一头大象正沿公路缓缓地走着。He was leaning heavily on the table.缓缓地靠在桌子上。The road curved gently upwards.缓缓地蜿蜒而上。The fire spread slowly until it reached the gas cylinders, then the factory went up in flames.缓缓地蔓延到煤气瓶那里,之后整座工厂就猛烈燃烧起来。The procession wended its way through the streets.游行队伍缓缓地穿过街道。A huge truck was nosing through the traffic.一辆大卡车正在车流中缓缓地往前开。The plane began its gentle descent to Narita.飞机开始缓缓地向成田机场降落。The spider crept up the wall.蜘蛛缓缓地爬上墙。The police officer took her arm and led her gently away.那名警察抓住她的手臂,缓缓地带她离开。The river meandered gently along the valley floor.那河沿着谷底缓缓地蜿蜒而行。The days slowly crawled by.日子缓缓地流逝。Snowflakes slowly drifted down from the sky.雪花缓缓地从天空飘落下来。The balmy afternoon had mellowed into a lovely evening.宜人的下午缓缓地变成美好的傍晚。McKay walked slowly toward this screen, feeling a growing tenseness.麦凯缓缓地朝这个屏幕走来,每走一步心情都更加紧张。As they plodded along, his silence began to get on her nerves.两人缓缓地走着,他的沉默令她心烦意乱。The doctor told her to breathe out slowly.医生叫她缓缓地呼气。The sun sets slowly at a glancing angle.太阳缓缓地倾斜下山。The lava will just ooze gently out of the crater.熔岩将从火山口缓缓地流出来。She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers.她捧起疏松的泥土,任其缓缓地从指间漏下。The train snailed up the steep grade.火车缓缓地爬上陡坡。She edged the car out into the street.缓缓地把车开到街道上。The sun slowly advanced across the sky.太阳缓缓地划过天空。He slowly stood up, cleared his throat, and finally began to speak.缓缓地站起来,清了清嗓子,最后开始说话。The camera slowly closed in on the actor's face.镜头缓缓地向演员的脸部推进。The gate swung open.大门缓缓地开了。The sun rose slowly over/above the eastern horizon.太阳缓缓地从东方地平线上升起。She breathed slowly in and out.缓缓地吸气、吐气。Take some slow, deep breaths and give your body a bit of a shake.缓缓地深呼吸,并轻轻晃动身体。I gazed at the full moon descending lazily behind the mountains.我看着满月缓缓地落到山后。The land falls gently to the sea.地面缓缓地向海边倾斜。She slowly lowered the knife.缓缓地把刀放下。The plateau sloped down, to the south, toward outcroppings of rock that gave the landscape a chaotic look.高原缓缓地倾斜下去,南边为一片露出地面的岩层,呈现出一种乱石嶙峋的地貌。The Monsignor gave him a slow, expressionless nod.大人向他缓缓地点了点头,脸上毫无表情。One of the horses, a white one, slowly ambled towards me.其中有一匹白马缓缓地向我走来。The small river meandered in lazy curves down the centre.小河缓缓地绕着中心地区迤逦流过。Kobe shone the torch slowly around the room.科贝用手电筒缓缓地照了一遍房间。A column of smoke was coiling slowly up into the air.一缕烟缓缓地盘旋升入空中。Slowly the boat came upright.小船缓缓地径直靠过来。




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