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词汇 排队
例句 Everyone was queueing up together to have the jabs.每个人都在排队等着打针。Some of the people queuing for tickets had been there since dawn.买票队伍中有些人从黎明就开始在排队了。People were queuing up for the new Harry Potter book to arrive - hot off the press.人们排队等着《哈利·波特》新书上架—刚刚出版的。Standing in line for hours at some government office was not exactly my idea of fun.在政府办公室里排队等上几个小时,我觉得那可不是什么好玩的事儿。Shopping by mail order lets you beat the queues.邮购可以不用排队I suppose he's a bit above the breadline.我想他比排队领救济面包的人处境要好一些。We had to queue for tickets.我们只能排队等着买票。People began lining up to get into the movie theater.人们开始排队进电影院。Are you in line to get tickets?你是排队买票的吗?A fight broke out behind me as we lined up to receive our food rations.我们排队领取配给的食物时,在我后面有人打起架来。He had to join the queue for the toilets.他不得不排队上厕所。We were queuing at the checkout in Sainsbury's.我们在塞恩斯伯里超市收银台排队Thousands of fans queued to buy tickets.成千上万的球迷排队买票。Outside the theater, an orderly line of people waited to buy tickets.剧院外,人们有秩序地排队买票。The characters complain ceaselessly about food queues, prices and corruption.那些人不停地抱怨购买食品要排队、物价问题以及贪污腐败的问题。We used to have to queue up for bread every morning.过去我们每天早晨都必须排队买面包。The club is in debt while others are queueing to cherry-pick their best players.别的俱乐部在排队竞相挑选最佳球员,而这家俱乐部却是债务缠身。Children were queuing at the drinking fountain.孩子们在喷泉式饮水器前面排队There was still a queue for tickets on the night.晚上仍然有人在排队买票。They managed to be third in line, assuring themselves of good seats for the concert.排队购票时他们设法排到了第三位,确保自己买到了音乐会的好座位。Shopping queues have grown shorter.排队购物的队伍比过去短了。Supporters queued for tickets all night in freezing conditions.球迷整晚在冰冷彻骨的情况下排队买票。The food queues have become a daily occurrence across the country.排队购买食品的长龙已成了全国各地每日可见的景象。I hope we don't have to queue for tickets.我希望我们不需要排队买票。While I was in the queue at the bank I met an old school friend.我在银行排队时遇到了一位老同学。He had a long wait in line.排队等了很久。The prefects supervised the queues in the school canteen.级长们在学校食堂监督学生排队Every time we get a new delivery of clothes, people are queuing to snap them up.每当我们新进一批衣服,人们就排队抢购。Fans began lining up early in the morning to buy their cup-tie tickets.球迷们一清早就开始排队买优胜杯的决赛票。Make sure you join the queue inside the bank.在银行里一定要排队The line at the checkout was for people with eight items or fewer.购买八件或八件以下物品的顾客在此收银台前排队He went in and joined the queue for the toilets.他走进去排队上厕所。We stood in a queue for half an hour.我们排队等了半个小时。The other people in the queue were moaning and groaning.排队的其他人在不满地抱怨着。There was an endless line at the bank.在银行排队的人多得数不胜数。I was about to get on the bus when two men pushed in in front of me.我正排队等公共汽车,这时有两个男子插队到了我前面。The captain ordered the men to fall in.队长命令士兵们排队集合。The queue for places at the school has never been longer.排队申请上这所学校的人数达到历史最高峰。Every morning, like clockwork, customers line up outside the front door of the bakery.每天早晨,顾客们必定在面包房外排队One of the other passengers who was queueing to get on the train suddenly had a heart attack.排队上火车的乘客中有人突然心脏病发作。




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