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词汇 排练
例句 Let's go through the whole thing again, from the beginning.我们从头开始再排练一遍吧。OK, let's run through it again straight after the break.好的,稍息片刻后我们马上再把它排练一遍。When 'Can-Can' was in rehearsal, Porter felt that the title song needed a musical introduction.排练《康康舞》的时候,波特感觉主题曲需要一个前奏乐曲。The band has been rehearsing at the studio all day.乐队整天在录音室排练The cast members meet daily to rehearse.所有参演人员每天碰面排练We had two weeks of rehearsals before shooting began.拍摄开始前,我们有两个星期的排练时间。After rehearsals, we'd all troop off to the cafeteria.排练后,我们大家就会成群结队地走着去食堂。We've got time for one more run-through before the concert.在音乐会开始前我们还有时间再排练一次。The whole cast was very professional and hard working in rehearsals.全体演员都非常具有专业精神,在排练中尽心尽力。We were allowed to watch the director rehearse the dancers.我们获准观看导演指导这些舞蹈演员排练The rehearsals were miles too slow and no work was getting done.排练的进度实在太慢,什么工作都没有完成。Let's run over the second act again.让我们把第二幕再排练一遍。Let's run through the first scene again.我们把第一场再排练一下吧。Their teacher carefully guides them through rehearsals.他们的老师细心指导他们排练The day before the trial, the lawyers tried a dry run of the closing arguments.审判的前一天,律师们排练了一次最后陈词。She struck up a close friendship with Desiree during the week of rehearsals.排练的一周里她和德西蕾建立了亲密的友谊。The band was scheduled to begin rehearsals for a concert tour.这支乐队准备开始为巡演排练We had a run-through at the studio.我们在演播室进行了排练I spoke to him briefly during a break in rehearsals.排练休息时,我和他说了几句话。The rehearsals make it difficult for her to study for law school exams.排练使她难以专心准备法学院的考试。Tonight's choir practice was a bummer.今晚合唱队的排练弄得很不愉快。The musicians rehearsed (the symphony) for the concert.乐师们为音乐会排练(交响曲)。Thousands of people are rehearsing for the opening ceremony.数千人在为开幕式排练The band was rehearsing for their world tour.乐队正在给他们的世界巡回演出作排练The recordings were mostly unrehearsed improvisations.这些唱片收录的大部分乐曲都是没排练过的即兴之作。With all the performers in place, we were ready to rehearse.演员都到位了,我们准备排练The rehearsal process also irked him increasingly.排练过程也让他越来越厌烦。The orchestra's been swotting up their Holst and Stravinsky.该管弦乐队一直在刻苦排练演奏霍尔斯特和斯特拉文斯基的作品。Let's have one more run-through and then finish for today.我们再从头到尾排练一遍,今天就结束吧。Charles and Eddie are getting ready for their final run-through before the evening's recording.查尔斯和埃迪正在准备为晚上的录音做最后的排练They rehearsed Act One from the top.他们从第一幕的开头开始排练The actors were rehearsing in the theater.演员们正在剧场里排练I hadn't rehearsed it properly and I panicked.我之前没有好好排练,于是惊慌失措。Let's just walk through the scene one more time.我们再排练一次吧。Taking a long view of the project, I began to think in terms of the rehearsal schedules required.为了对这个项目作长远打算,我开始根据要求的排练计划考虑问题。He will have to be rehearsed on his part.他必须反复排练以熟练掌握自己所演的角色。They are rehearsing a new play.他们在排练一出新戏。The cast could all have done with an extra run-through of some of the songs.所有演员本来能够把某些歌曲再排练一遍的。You'll have to turn up for all the practices if you want to play in the concert.如果你想在音乐会中演奏,你必须出席所有的排练The show opens next Monday. Between now and then we'll be rehearsing every day.演出下星期一开始。从现在到下星期一我们每天都要排练




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