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词汇 绳索
例句 Hooks were fixed to the wall for the attachment of the ropes.钩子固定在墙上以连接绳索Fix the rope around the post by turning it in.绳索在柱子上缠牢。The rope's winch drum spun out of control and tripped out.绳索的绞车卷筒转动失控而翻倒。The strong ropes gave us good purchase for getting up the side of the cliff.牢固的绳索为我们攀登悬崖提供了可靠的把手。The path was roped off on either side.道路的两侧都用绳索围了起来。Check your rope frequently, as friction against the rock can wear it away.要经常检查绳索,因为与岩石摩擦会使它磨损。The rope haled the bucket from the well.绳索把桶从井里吊上来。The ropes were now hanging free.绳索现在松垂着。The man and his son Mark had abseiled down the sheer cliffs.这个男人和他的儿子马克曾沿绳索爬下过这些陡峭的悬崖。He tied one end of the rope round his waist.他把绳索的一端系到他的腰间。The ropes had been cut randomly to different lengths.这些绳索被任意截成不同长度的几段。I unclipped my carabiner from the rope.我从绳索上松开了登山扣。He is letting out the rope hand over hand.他双手交替着一节节放出绳索Someone had cut the dinghy adrift and it had floated away on the current.有人割断了橡皮艇的绳索,致其被水流冲走。His hands were entangled in the ropes.他的双手被绳索缠住了。The sailors pulled at the rope to take up the slack.水手们拉起绳索把它收紧。Pull in the sail by increasing the tension of the rope.拉紧绳索收帆。There's too much stretch in this rope for the longer descents.这根绳索的弹性太大了,不适合更长距离的下降。The sailors started heaving on the rope.水手们开始用力拉绳索He whaled the thief with a rope.他用绳索抽打窃贼。We fixed the pulleys so that the rope had free play.我们装上了滑轮,这样绳索就能自由滑动了。Saul tied one end of the rope around a large rock and lowered himself over the cliff.索尔把绳索一端拴在一块大石头上,然后从峭壁下去。A rope bridge was extended over the chasm.峡谷上架起了一座绳索桥。She held onto the free end of the rope.她抓住了绳索松开的那端。The twisted strands of the rope were gently teased apart.缠在一起的绳索被轻轻地挑开了。Someone had untied the boat and it had floated away.有人解开了系船的绳索,让船漂走了。Steel cable will be used to replace worn ropes.将用钢缆替换磨损的绳索The different strands knotted easily.不同的绳索很容易缠结在一起。The cargo was lashed down on the deck of the ship.货物已用绳索紧缚在船的甲板上。The climbers were roped together for safety and proceeded cautiously.为安全起见,登山者用绳索相互系在一起小心地前进。He managed to reach the knife and cut himself loose.他设法拿到刀子割断了捆绑自己的绳索With a single sweep of his sword, he cut through the rope.他只一挥剑,就砍断了绳索He pulled too hard and the cord disconnected.他拽得太使劲,把绳索都弄断了。This ladder is made of rope.这架梯子是用绳索做的。His tendons stood out like rope beneath his skin.他皮肤下的筋腱像绳索一样暴突出来。Fortunately the climbers were roped together.幸运的是登山者们是用绳索连在一起的。She gripped the rope.她紧紧抓住绳索The prisoner lashed about, but could not break his bond.囚犯拼命挣扎,但没法挣脱绑住他的绳索The man had abseiled down the sheer cliffs.这个男人曾沿绳索爬下过这些陡峭的悬崖。That boat was tethered to the ship by a rope. When the ship changed position, that boat moved as well.那艘小艇是由一条绳索系于大船。当大船变动位置时,小艇也跟著移动。




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