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词汇 种植园
例句 He compared the situation of black college basketball players to the plantation. 他把大学里黑人篮球运动员的现状比作种植园奴隶的处境。The novel put a romantic halo about the old plantation life.这部小说为昔日的种植园生活加上了一圈浪漫的光环。We jolted along rough wet roads through an endless banana plantation.我们沿湿漉漉的公路颠簸着驶过无边无际的香蕉种植园Black slaves used to work on the cotton plantations of the southern United States.黑奴以前通常在美国南部的棉花种植园干活。A system of forced labour was used on the cocoa plantations.可可种植园中曾实行强迫劳役制。The plantation was devastated by a typhoon.台风毁掉了种植园Not all plantation work has been masculinized.种植园里的工作并非全是些男人们干的活。We hutted at the plantation.我们住在种植园的小屋里。Hundreds of slaves worked on the plantations.数以百计的奴隶在种植园里劳动。The setting is the antebellum plantation in springtime.故事发生在南北战争前一个春天的种植园Under the Indian Government's policy, the management of tea estates is being gradually Indianized.根据印度政府的政策,茶树种植园的经营管理正逐渐由印度人自己来担当。




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