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词汇 种族歧视
例句 The government's new asylum bill seems inhumane, and smacks of racism.政府新的政治庇护议案显得不近人情,还带有种族歧视的味道。Racism and sexism occur in all institutions.种族歧视和性别歧视在所有制度中都存在。He had to endure the racist taunts of the crowd.他不得不忍受那群人种族歧视性的嘲弄。Many immigrants have experienced racism.许多移民都遭遇过种族歧视The battle against racial discrimination is not over.种族歧视的斗争尚未结束。For them to attack the Liberals for racism is nauseating hypocrisy.他们攻击自由党搞种族歧视是令人作呕的虚伪行径。Even today Southern states are seen as being more racially prejudiced than other states.即使现在,人们认为南方各州比其他州种族歧视更严重。We must not minimize the problem of racial discrimination.我们不可以小看种族歧视的问题。Steve always manages to get a rise out of me with his racist jokes.史蒂夫一讲他那些种族歧视的笑话我准会恼火。Overt race discrimination is illegal.公然的种族歧视是非法的。Cut out the bit about racial prejudice.把有关种族歧视的那段删掉。The president of the university condemned racism on campus in no uncertain terms.那个大学的校长明确谴责校园内的种族歧视现象。Racial discrimination still exists, only now it's subtler than it once was.种族歧视仍然存在,只是比起以前来说不那么明显了。His comments about racism may be too close to the bone for some people.他对种族歧视的评论对于有些人来说也许太露骨了。Many were offended by her use of racial epithets.她用的带有种族歧视的称谓冒犯了很多人。He claims he was racially discriminated against when he applied for the job.他声称申请这个职位时遭受了种族歧视She sued the company for racial discrimination.她以种族歧视为由对公司起诉。We have to take a stand against racism.我们必须坚决反对种族歧视The law should be colour-blind.法律不应存在种族歧视The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups.过去十年里,对黑人及少数族裔的种族歧视和敌对行为变得日益猖獗。They abhor violence/racism.他们痛恨暴力/种族歧视Institutionalized racism pervaded British society, and immigrant workers found themselves in unskilled jobs and with low social status.习以为常的种族歧视在英国社会盛行,外来移民工人发觉自己都在做非技术性工作,社会地位低下。The company has been accused of discriminating on the grounds of race.公司被指控有种族歧视He is an ignorant old racist.他是个无知的老牌种族歧视者。She will be remembered as an unrelenting opponent of racial discrimination.她不屈不挠地反对种族歧视,将会为人所铭记。He had made a series of racial slurs.他发表过一系列种族歧视的言论。Issues of racism, sexism, and homophobia were discussed.种族歧视、性别歧视和憎恨同性恋等问题得到了讨论。The radio station stands accused of racism.这家电台被指责种族歧视Critics of the police say they see a pattern of racism and abuse by officers.批评警方的人说,他们发现警察经常实行种族歧视、虐待犯人。Does racial discrimination still exist in the workplace?职场上还存在种族歧视吗?He remembered when he was first confronted by the racial realities of living in South Africa.他想起了居住在南非时第一次遇到种族歧视现实的情景。Some people complained of racial discrimination in the way housing was allocated.有些人投诉在分配住宅的方式上有种族歧视Is there racial discrimination in your country?你们国家是否存在种族歧视Scarcely a week goes by without the news providing fresh examples of police racism.几乎每周都有关于警方种族歧视事件的新闻报道。The government has promised to continue the fight against racism.政府已承诺继续打击种族歧视He is a tireless fighter against racism.他是一位不屈不挠的反种族歧视的斗士。They have begun to collate their own statistics on racial abuse.他们已经开始整理自己有关种族歧视的统计数据。The organization fights against racial prejudice.这个组织反对种族歧视They rightly condemn such opinions as racist.他们指责这些观点是种族歧视,言之有理。The law has done little to prevent racial discrimination and inequality.法律在阻止种族歧视和种族不平等方面很少有作为。




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