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词汇 疏散
例句 It has forced politicians to think again about the wisdom of trying to evacuate refugees.这迫使政治家们重新考虑疏散难民是否明智。We were all evacuated because of a bomb scare.由于炸弹威胁,我们全都被疏散了。The United States is sending a naval task force to the area to evacuate American citizens.美国正要派遣一支海军特遣队赶赴该地区疏散美国公民。The clouds paled and pulled apart.云层变淡,渐渐疏散The building was evacuated and the bomb squad called.大楼人员被疏散,并叫来了拆弹小组。We're waiting to see how things develop before we evacuate anyone.我们在疏散人们之前在静观情况如何发展。Get everyone out and call the fire brigade.把所有人都疏散出去并报火警。All the passengers had to be evacuated.必须疏散所有乘客。At the outbreak of war, most children were evacuated to the countryside.战争爆发的时候,大部分孩子被疏散到了乡下。With the approach of war, many children were evacuated.随着战争的临近,许多孩子被疏散了。The Welsh landscape had changed since he was a vacky, sent here for safety.自从他儿时被疏散到威尔士避难以来,威尔士的景色已变了样。The evacuation is being organised at the request of the United Nations Secretary General.在联合国秘书长的敦促下,正在组织人员疏散The building was evacuated and the bomb squad called.大楼里进行了人员疏散,并叫来了拆弹小组。The driver of an evacuation bus was wounded by shrapnel.一辆疏散大巴的司机被弹片炸伤。Overhead, the clouds paled and pulled apart, revealing stars.天上,云层变淡并疏散,露出了星星。The civilians were evacuated from the city to farms.百姓被从城里疏散到了农庄。Every police unit has been ordered to evacuate all civilians.所有警察部队奉命疏散全体平民。People living in low-lying areas were evacuated because of the floods.居住在低洼地区的人们因洪水而被疏散There is an emergency plan for evacuating the village.有一个疏散村民的应急计划。The county was under a mandatory evacuation.该县正在进行强制疏散As flood waters rose, evacuation of families and farm animals was begun.洪水不断上涨,居民家庭和农场牲口的疏散工作开始了。They have evacuated everyone in the immediate area/vicinity of the wildfire.他们疏散了所有在野火附近的人。Someone called in a bomb threat , so the building was evacuated.有人发出炸弹恐吓信息,所以大楼里的人都被疏散了。The cooling system broke down, the nuclear reactor overheated, and the plant had to be evacuated.冷却系统出了故障,核反应堆过热,核电厂里的人员被迫疏散Stars condense from the matter scattered thinly through interstellar space.恒星是疏散在星际空间的物质凝聚而成的。We had lodgers all through the war, most of them evacuees.战争期间我们一直都有房客,大多数都是疏散出来的人。The building was still being evacuated when the bomb went off.大楼仍在疏散时,炸弹就爆炸了。The French military is preparing to evacuate women and children of expatriate families.法国军方正在准备疏散侨民家庭的妇女儿童。The foreign evacuees sailed away to safety in Athens.疏散的外国人乘船去雅典避难。The bomb threat is probably a hoax, but we should still evacuate the building.炸弹威胁很有可能是个恶作剧,但我们还是要疏散楼里的人。The building was evacuated as the result of a tip-off.在接到暗中警告后,大楼进行了疏散The old and the sick were the first to be evacuated.老人和病人最早被疏散It took some two hours before the crowd was fully dispersed.大概花了两个小时才把人群全部疏散完。Police evacuated hotel guests after staff received a bomb threat.员工收到炸弹恐吓以后,警方疏散了酒店客人。The police evacuated the village shortly before the explosion.在爆炸前不久,警察将这个村庄里的人全都疏散了。Eventually the order came to evacuate and we made our way to the airport.最终我们接到了疏散的命令,前往机场。The hurricane will reach the island this evening. Meanwhile, residents are being evacuated.飓风将在今晚登陆该岛。在此之前,居民将被疏散During the war their school had been evacuated to the country.战争期间他们的学校被疏散到乡下去。They opened their ranks to let the defeated men pass.他们把队列疏散开来让战败的人通过。Tell them you intend to evacuate the children.告诉他们你打算疏散儿童。




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