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词汇 crackled
例句 Twigs and leaves crackled underfoot.树枝和树叶在脚下噼啪作响。The air crackled with excitement as we prepared for the festival.我们为过节做准备时,空气中充满了喜悦。The fire sparked and crackled.火堆里噼里啪啦地飞溅出火花。The American voice crackled in his ear.在他耳边响起了那美国人尖利而急促的声音。E-mail lists and websites fairly crackled with anger as people realized what was going on.当人们意识到发生了什么的时候,电子邮箱和网站都炸开了锅。It was unbelievably dramatic as lightning crackled all round the van.闪电在货车周围炸开时,情景异常壮观。A log crackled on the fire.一块木头在火中噼里啪啦地响。Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky.突然一道闪电划破长空。The logs crackled in the fire.木头在火中发出噼啪声。Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky.突然,一道闪电划破长空。The Chief Constable's clipped tones crackled over the telephone line.电话线那头噼里啪啦地传来警察局长短促的声音。The sky rumbled and crackled.天空先是隆隆作响,后又传出阵阵噼啪声。An announcement crackled over the tannoy.扩音器里吱吱嘎嘎地播出一则通知。The fire crackled and spat.炉火噼啪作响,火星四溅。The fire crackled behind its screen.火焰在防火护板后面劈啪作响。The sky, swollen like a black bladder, rumbled and crackled.天空中乌云黑沉沉地压下来,发出隆隆声和噼啪声。A log fire crackled in the fireplace.一节原木在壁炉里烧得噼啪作响。The logs crackled and popped in the fireplace.木柴在壁炉里烧得噼啪作响。A voice crackled from the loudspeakers, announcing a flight, departure gate so and so.扬声器里传来吱吱嘎嘎的声音,播报某航班、登机口等等事项。The wood flamed up and crackled.木头越烧越旺,噼啪作响。The Chief Constable's clipped tones crackled over the telephone line.电话线那头噼噼啪啪传来警察局局长急促的声音。The radio crackled again.收音机又吱吱啦啦地响了起来。The atmosphere crackled with expectation.气氛中充满了期待。The leaves crackled under our feet.落叶踩在脚下噼啪作响。Superstition crackled in her brain.她满脑子的迷信。He crackled the letter viciously.他恶狠狠地把信嘶地扯碎。The dry wood snapped and crackled as it burned.干柴燃烧时发出劈啪的爆裂声。The man crackled his newspaper.那人把报纸扯得窸窣作响。




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