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词汇 cast in
例句 It's difficult to fathom why Butler was cast in this role.很难弄明白为什么让巴特勒扮演这个角色。The statues were cast in clay moulds.这些塑像用黏土模子制成。They are cast in the same mold.它们是一个模子浇铸成的。The figure was cast in bronze.这尊塑像是由青铜铸成的。When she was cast in the role of the princess, she was already a known quantity from her work in several films.在扮演公主这个角色时,她已经因在几部影片中的表演而名声在外了。He has been cast in the role of chief apologist for the government.他被说成是政府的主要辩护者。Health care issues are often cast in economic terms.保健问题经常被从经济角度来谈论。Rigby was cast in the leading role.里格比被选中担任主角。Ralph Fiennes was cast in the lead role of King Richard.拉尔夫·法因斯被选中扮演主角理查国王。The Rodin sculptures are cast in bronze.罗丹的塑像都是用青铜铸造的。He seemed cast in the same plastic mould as his parents.他同他父母像是一副模子里塑成的。Everyone who works for that firm seems to be cast in the same mould.为那家公司工作的人好像都是从一个模子里造出来似的。The statue will be cast in bronze.雕像将用青铜铸成。There are those of position and influence in England who would be willing to cast in their lot with you.英格兰一些有权有势的人也许愿意与你共命运。He has a cast in his left eye.他左眼有点斜视。He's cast in the same mould as his father.他的性格和他父亲一样。The statue was cast in bronze.这座塑像是用青铜铸成的。This reality casts in strong relief the racist character of the aggression.这一事实使侵略的种族主义本质暴露无遗。The number of votes cast in each section will then be calculated.接下来将计算各区的投票数。For smaller projects, the panels are cast in Ottawa and trucked to the location.对于规模较小的工程,镶板是在渥太华铸造然后再用卡车运到工地的。




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