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例句 I was hoping for something different, but all I got was more of the same old thing.我期盼着会有点变化,但结果却还是那老一套。They had thought the boys wouldn't mind sharing; as it turned out, they minded very much.他们原以为这些男孩子不会介意跟他人合用,可结果却发现他们十分在意。She tried hard but her efforts only served to bring more attention to her lack of experience.她十分努力,但结果却暴露出她缺乏经验。Sam fell over in his eagerness to reach the telephone.萨姆急着去接电话,结果却摔倒了。She thought she would get the job, but someone else beat her out. 她以为自己会得到那份工作,结果却被别人得到了。I toyed with the idea of moving to France but ended up staying here.我曾心血来潮想移居法国,但结果却留在了这里。They were trying to please us but just succeeded in offending everyone.他们本意要取悦我们,结果却得罪了每个人。His music attempts to ape classical styles, but the results are not very original.他的音乐想模仿古典风格,但结果却不具原创性。The surprise I had planned backfired on me.我设计好给人一个惊喜,结果却是我自己被惊到了。The candidates claim to have different views but, when all is said and done, they're very much alike.这些候选人都声称有不同的观点,结果却是大同小异。He's none the worse for his fall from the window.他从窗口掉下,结果却没怎么样。What should have been a civilised debate degenerated into an unseemly row between the two sides.本来应该是一场文明有礼的辩论,结果却演变成了双方不体面的争吵。Although we were using the same set of data, we obtained different results.我们用同一组数据,但得到的结果却不同。Starting her own business seemed like a good idea at the time, but it turned out badly.她自己创业在当时似乎是个好主意,但结果却失败了。Today was supposed to have been sunny, but it's raining.原本以为今天是晴天,结果却下起了雨。It was a complete shot in the dark but it turned out to be the right answer.这完全是瞎猜的,结果却答对了。He set out to become a lawyer but ended up teaching history instead.他本打算当一名律师,结果却成了历史老师。Many parents try too hard to engineer a safe environment for their child, with disastrous results.许多父母竭力要为自己的孩子营造一个安全的环境,结果却酿成灾难性的后果。I tried to apologize but only succeeded in making her angrier. 我试图道歉,但结果却让她更加生气。Graham's attempt to defend me had only heaped more suspicion on my head.格雷厄姆试图要保护我,结果却使更多的怀疑落在我头上。They went searching for clues but came up dry. 他们搜寻线索,结果却一无所获。I tried to cheer her up, but failed miserably.我试图让她振作起来,结果却碰了一鼻子灰。The government tried to explain away the police's unexpected brutality, but this only led to rioting.政府试图为警察出人意料的野蛮行为辩解,结果却引起了暴动。He claimed he was a licensed psychologist, but he turned out to be a fraud.他声称是执业心理学家,结果却是个骗子。Paul said he knew how to do the job and offered to show Tom, but it ended up as the blind leading the blind.保罗说这活儿他会做,还主动说要做给汤姆看,但结果却像瞎子给瞎子引路。He was trying to make a joke, but it came out wrong.他试图开个玩笑,结果却被曲解了。He turned the key in the ignition but to no effect.他转动钥匙去点火,结果却没有用。I didn't think anything of it at the time—but it turned out to be the clue that would solve the case.当时我认为这个并不重要,结果却发现这是破获这一案件的线索。What was meant to be a harmless wind-up ended up with the sacking of three men yesterday.原本只是想开开玩笑罢了,并无恶意的,结果却弄到昨天有三个人被开除。He tried to be bright and ended up merely cutesy.他拼命想卖好讨俏,结果却给人做作的印象。Parents campaigned in vain for her reinstatement.父母们呼吁给她复职,但结果却只是徒劳。Much to my amusement, his confident prediction of victory turned out to be completely wrong. 让我忍俊不禁的是,他很有信心地预测会取得胜利,结果却截然相反。I tried to take a short cut and got lost.我本来想抄近路,结果却迷路了。Not a few who yield themselves to Paul's gospel are left feeling like a traveller overcome by vertigo.不少听从保罗训言的人结果却觉得自己像是晕头转向的旅行者。This seemingly simple task ended up taking hours.这项看似简单的任务结果却用了好几个小时才完成。




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