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Graham was caught in the midriff with a well-timed punch.格雷厄姆的上腹部刚好被一拳击中。She took a sip of water during a well-timed pause, and waited for my reply.她适时地停下来呷了一小口水,等待我的回答。The release of the book was well-timed.这本书的发行正合时宜。One well-timed word from you will be all it needs.现在需要的只是你一句适时的话。He built the company through a string of well-timed acquisitions.通过一系列时机恰到好处的并购,他建立了这家公司。This discovery was a well-timed confirmation of Darwin's theory.这一发现是对达尔文理论时机恰到好处的证明。A well-timed joke stopped the disagreement developing into something more serious.一个及时的笑话使这场争论没有变得更加剑拔弩张。Wallace made a well-timed run through the midfield, collected the pass and scored with a low shot.华莱士及时跑过中场,接过传球,一脚低射得分。 |