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Follow the very well-trodden path to the summit.就沿着这条常有人走的小路登上顶峰。Political power has long been a well-trodden path to personal wealth.拥有政治权力是敛财的惯常途径。He made his way along a well-trodden path towards the shed.他顺着一条常有人走的小路走向小屋。These working parties will be going over well-trodden ground.这些工作组将按惯例工作。The book covers some well-trodden ground.这本书有些内容是老生常谈。Andrew was on his well-trodden path to conquering another willing lady.安德鲁在用他惯用的手法征服又一个心甘情愿的小姐。They turned aside from the main path onto less well-trodden ways.他们离开大路,走上没那么多人走的小路。 |