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词汇 经理
例句 Our new manager is a middle-aged masculine looking woman.我们的新经理是一位男子模样的中年女士。Frankly I cannot imagine how any manager can afford to get rid of it.坦率地说我不能想象哪个经理能摆脱得了它。She has all the right experience, so she ought to make an excellent manager.她具备所有相关的经验,所以她应该能当一名出色的经理He got very pally with the manager.他和经理的关系非常好。He says he's going to complain to the manager, but he's all mouth.他说他要向经理鸣不平,但我认为他不过是说说而已。Could you put me through to the manager?你能替我把电话接到经理那里吗? He spent three years as a trainee manager before getting his present position.他在得到现在这个职位之前当了三年的见习经理Managers are responsible for the safe custody and retention of records.经理有责任安全保管并保留记录。She missed the chance of promotion when she turned down the job of assistant manager.她拒绝了助理经理一职,错过了提升的机会。The manager claims that the work force are happy, though many accuse him of being a dictator.经理声称工人们很满意,可是很多人都指责他独断专行。Whether or not he is any good as a manager is a matter of opinion.他是否是个好经理,这是看法问题。The new manager is a portly middle-aged woman.新来的经理是个肥胖的中年女士。They tend to work as managers, especially in the small business sector.他们倾向于当经理,尤其是在小型企业范围中。The manager carpeted him for missing training.经理因为他错过培训而训斥了他。Does the new manager pass muster?新的经理还过得去吗? If you have any complaints, you should write to the manager in the first instance.如有任何意见,你首先应该给经理写信。The manager was unwilling to refund my money.经理不愿意给我退钱。A new manager was appointed in place of Hoddle.新任命了一位经理接替霍德尔。She coordinates the activities of all senior managers.她协调所有高层经理的活动。Our manager was very sticky about granting even the most reasonable request.我们经理对即使是最合理的要求也很不愿意爽快答允。The manager explained, chapter and verse, what we were to do.经理详尽说明了我们应该怎么办。Any manager knows that his company will start falling apart if his attention wanders.每个经理都知道只要自己的注意力有所分散,公司就会分崩离析。The assistant director took it as a snub when he was not invited to the conference.助理经理没被邀请参加会议,他觉得这是怠慢他了。I prefer to deal directly with the manager.我更喜欢直接和经理打交道。We will begin/launch/conduct a search for a new manager this week.我们这周将开始找个新经理We need a good manager who is prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds.我们需要一个愿意争取应得资金的好经理The manager is in charge of project coordination.经理负责项目协调工作。I have regular one-to-ones with my manager.我经常和我的经理单独开会。The manager gave me his personal assurance that the parts would be here today.那位经理个人向我保证,零件今天运到这里。In just a few short months he was promoted to manager.短短几个月,他就被提升为经理Ever since they made her assistant manager, she's been getting above herself.自从他们让她当了助理经理后,她就开始自命不凡了。The idea of being evaluated by subordinates makes some managers uneasy.想到要由下属来评估自己,一些经理感到不安。The manager promised to investigate when we pointed out an error on our bill.当我们指出我们的账单上有错误时,经理答应去查实。Managers at their factory in Birmingham hold a two-hour teleconference with head office in Stuttgart every day.伯明翰工厂的经理们每天和位于斯图加特的总部举行两小时的电话会议。If you don't do better than that, you'll get it in the neck from the manager.你要是再干不好的话,就要受到经理的处罚了。The new manager carried out an assessment of the sales department.新上任的经理对销售部进行了评估。Bill was delegated to fetch the manager.比尔受托去请经理The manager is very strict about people getting to work on time.经理严格要求人们准时上班。Jenny is a conscientious manager, very popular with her colleagues.珍妮是个认真负责的经理,深受同事爱戴。The workshop is designed so that new managers can pick the brains of managers with more experience.研讨会的目的是为了使新的经理可以向有经验的经理学习。




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