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词汇 经济状况
例句 The economy was not in such bad shape, he says.他说经济状况并不是特别糟糕。Most Russians are preoccupied with matters close to home, their economic conditions in particular.大多数俄罗斯人都关注着关系到切身利益的事情,尤其是经济状况These statistics give a misleading impression of what is happening to the economy.这些统计数据让人对目前的经济状况产生错误的印象。Sterling took a battering yesterday as worries grew about the state of Britain's economy.由于人们对英国经济状况的担心与日俱增,英镑昨天受到重挫。He became embarrassed when a journalist asked him pointed questions about his finances.有位记者就他的经济状况提出一些尖锐问题时,他变得局促不安。I'm just treading water financially right now.现在我的经济状况是在原地踏步。I know your fiscal situation as well as I know my own.我对你的经济状况的了解程度和对我自己的一样。The economy needs an immediate 2 per cent cut in interest rates.当前经济状况需要立即将利率下调两个百分点。The aircraft market is a sensitive barometer of economic conditions.飞机市场是反映经济状况的敏感指标。Infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio-economic conditions.婴儿死亡率是能够充分反映社会经济状况的高敏感度指标。The unemployment rate is a clear pointer to the state of the economy.失业率是经济状况的明显标志。She's doing very nicely for herself these days.目前她的经济状况很好。The economy has become a troublesome issue for the Conservative Party.经济状况已成为保守党的一大难题。Inflation goes up and down depending on the state of the economy.通货膨胀随着经济状况的变化而起伏不定。What is your current financial status?.你目前的经济状况如何?Obviously we're better off now that we're both working.现在我俩都工作,经济状况显然比以前好了。Economic circumstances don't permit much public spending.经济状况不允许政府开支太大。Eligibility for the benefit was determined by a means test.是否有资格获得救济取决于经济状况调查。Economic conditions intensified the pressure on industry to raise prices.经济状况增加了工业界提高产品价格的压力。He blames the bad economy on the government's inflationary policies.他把糟糕的经济状况归咎于政府的通胀政策。The admission shows the depth of worry among the Tories over the state of the economy.这一认可表明了保守党党内对经济状况的忧虑之深。The overall economic picture is improving.整体经济状况在改善。My financial problems were made worse by my bad housekeeping.我持家无方,使得经济状况更加糟糕。Keep a weather eye on your finances.要注意自己的经济状况It is undeniable that the economic picture is brightening.不可否认经济状况正在好转。They face a financially uncertain future.他们面临着经济状况捉摸不定的未来。Demand will remain low unless there is a change in economic conditions.除非经济状况有变化,需求仍将保持低位。Home sales provide a gauge of the state of the economy.住宅销量是经济状况的晴雨表。The government has been criticized over the state of the economy.政府因其管理下的经济状况而受到批评。The new developments radically changed the economics of the newspaper industry.这些新发展从根本上改变了报业的经济状况They are moving upward socially and economically.他们的社会地位不断提高,经济状况不断改善。Maybe we'll buy a house when our financial situation improves.经济状况改善了,我们或许会买幢房子。The company is in an economically vulnerable position.该公司目前经济状况不稳定。It is an axiomatic fact that governments rise and fall on the state of the economy.经济状况决定政府的兴衰成败,这是不言自明的事实。The economy's up shit creek.经济状况很糟糕。The economy has been doing poorly, but somehow our company manages to keep trucking along.经济状况一直不见起色,但我们公司总算还能凑合着干下去。Grants are available depending on your circumstances.经济状况,符合条件可获得助学金。His financial situation forced him to go and teach in, improbably enough, Tulsa, Oklahoma.他的经济状况迫使他很不可思议地去了俄克拉荷马州的塔尔萨教书。The economy of the times made it difficult to support centralized rule.那个时期的经济状况使集权统治难以为继。Many people are worried about the economy, and with good cause.许多人担心经济状况,这是有充分理由的。




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