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词汇 fishing line
例句 The fishing line is made of gut.钓鱼线是羊肠线做的。This fishing line tangles easily.这条钓鱼线容易缠住。The fishing line was hopelessly snarled on the reel.钓丝缠到绕线轮上,乱得理不出来。The fishing line unwound quickly.钓鱼线很快就松开了。He pegged out his fishing line to the sea.他向海里放出鱼线。My fishing line got entangled in weeds.我的钓丝给水草缠住了。He switched his fishing line.他甩出了他的钓丝。He jigged his fishing line.他猛地扯了一下钓鱼线。The cork on a fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.钓丝上的浮子在水面上下跳动。She reeled up her fishing line and went back with an empty bucket.她把鱼线收回,提着一个空桶回来了。He felt a nibble on his fishing line.他感觉到钓线被轻轻咬了一下。I felt a couple pulls on the fishing line.我感觉到钓鱼线拉动了几下。Her pocketknife came in useful when we needed to cut the tangled fishing line.当我们需要将打结的渔线割断时,她的小刀派上了用场。I weighted the fishing line with a lead sinker.我在鱼线上系了个铅坠。I bought a fishing pole/rod and some fishing line.我买了一根钓鱼竿和一些钓鱼线。He cast his fishing line into the lake every evening.他每天傍晚在湖边钓鱼。She felt a fish nibble at the end of her fishing line.她感觉到鱼在轻咬钓线的尾钩。I felt the fishing line jerk.我感觉到钓线猛然一动。




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