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词汇 fishing
例句 I'm trying to arrange a fishing trip in Scotland.我正想组织一次去苏格兰的垂钓旅行。They can go fishing in the lake.他们可以去湖里钓鱼。She's always fishing for compliments about her looks.她总是拐弯抹角地想让别人称赞她好看。I felt the fishing line jerk.我感觉到钓线猛然一动。The fishing was pretty good today.今天的垂钓活动很不错。People were fishing off the pier.人们在码头附近钓鱼。The program includes swimming, fishing and canoeing.项目包括游泳、钓鱼和划独木舟。He goes fishing in all weathers.他无论刮风下雨都去钓鱼。It's the opening day of the fishing season.这是鱼汛期的第一天。We went fishing when we were on vacation.我们度假时去钓鱼了。I've spent many a happy morning fishing from this spot.有许多个早上,我都在这个地方钓鱼,享受快乐的时光。Fishermen are angry about the new EC fishing regulations because they feel that their livelihood is being threatened.渔民对欧盟的新捕鱼规定非常不满,因为他们觉得自己的生计受到了威胁。Both sea fishing and fresh water angling are available in the locality.这个地区既有海钓,又有淡水垂钓。When it comes to fishing, he's very serious. = He's very serious about fishing.一提起钓鱼,他就来劲。I held on tight as my fishing rod bent double.我紧握住弯折的鱼竿。This time it was a friend ringing to try to arrange a fishing trip in Scotland.这次是一个朋友打来电话,想组织一次到苏格兰的钓鱼旅行。Geraint was sitting on the beach, painting the seagulls and the fishing boats.杰兰特坐在海滩上画海鸥和渔船。The fishing boats headed for the open sea.渔船向公海驶去。I watched my companion disjoint his fishing rod.我看着同伴拆鱼竿。Upstream fishing is good today.如今在上游垂钓真好。Bob was truant from school once when he went fishing.鲍勃有一次逃学去钓鱼。A fishing vessel and a cargo ship collided in rough seas.一艘捕鱼船和一艘货船在波涛汹涌的海上相撞了。The fishing fleet was nestled among surrounding piers.捕鱼船队停泊在周围码头之间。A local club is giving a fishing clinic on Saturday.当地一家俱乐部将在周六举办一次垂钓培训。He didn't want to create the impression that he was fishing for information.他不想让人觉得自己是在套话。He had been fishing all morning but hadn't had a bite.他整个上午在钓鱼,可是鱼一次也不来上钩。They lived by fishing and by basic small-scale farming.他们以养鱼和小规模的基本农业种植为生。He took the day off to go fishing.他请了一天假去钓鱼。She is fishing for information.她是在探听消息。Roundhay Park in Leeds was the place I first got the fishing bug.利兹市的朗德海公园是我首次对钓鱼着迷的地方。It's sickening the way he's always fishing for compliments.他总是讨人恭维,真恶心。That small fishing village has now blossomed into an important port.那个小渔村现已发展成为一个重要港口。He jigged his fishing line.他猛地扯了一下钓鱼线。The bill is an EU attempt to ensure the sustainability of cod fishing groups in the North Sea.这个议案是欧盟为保证北海鳕鱼捕捞业的可持续性所作的努力。The survivors were picked up by fishing boats from nearby villages.幸存者被附近村庄的渔船救了起来。Some foreign firms are dipping their hands in the development of fishing in this area.一些外国公司正在插手开发这一地区的渔业。Among his latest enthusiasms are sailing and fishing.他最近热衷于帆船运动和钓鱼。We saw many fishing boats and pleasure craft on the bay.我们在海湾看见了许多渔船和游艇。Some fishing is still allowed, but limits have been imposed on the size of the catch.仍然可以小作垂钓,不过对于钓上来的鱼的数量有了限制。We can go fishing.我们可以去钓鱼。




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