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词汇 cowardice
例句 He dissimulated his cowardice by bragging about how brave he was.他自吹多么勇敢,以此来掩盖自己的怯懦。The other man's abject cowardice made Danforth curl his lip.丹福思因为另一个男人低声下气的怯懦行为撇了撇嘴。It is an act of moral cowardice for a society to neglect its poor.对于一个社会来说,忽视穷人是道义上懦弱的一种表现。He openly accused his opponents of cowardice.他公开指责对手胆小。I wanted you out of my sight. You were a constant reminder of my weakness, my cowardice.我要你从我的视线中消失。你的存在让我不断想起我的脆弱、我的怯懦。His cowardice made him a byword to all who knew him.由于他的懦弱,他在认识他的人中已被当作笑料。He soiled the family honour by his cowardice.他的怯懦辱没了他家族的荣誉。They dignified cowardice by calling it prudence.他们把怯懦美其名曰为谨慎。If he funks it, he will confirm the impression of cowardice given by his recent letter.如果他对此畏缩,那么在他最近那封信里给人留下的懦弱印象就被坐实了。How I despised myself for my cowardice!我是多么鄙视自己的怯懦啊!He said many of the men who were shot for cowardice were in fact suffering from shell shock.他说很多因临战退缩而被枪毙的士兵实际上患有爆炸性精神异常。The movie is a true account of the only American soldier to be shot for cowardice since the Civil War.这部影片讲的是美国内战开始后唯一一名因胆怯而被枪毙的士兵的真实故事。Any soldier displaying cowardice in the face of the enemy was shot.所有临阵惧敌的士兵都被枪毙了。He was plagued by ineptitude, cowardice and lack of drive.他的愚笨、懦弱和毫无斗志让自己颇为苦恼。Five officers were court-martialled for cowardice or neglect of duty.五名军官因怯懦或渎职被军事法庭审判。




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