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He is a member of a jazz quartet.他是爵士四重唱组合的歌手。The milkshakes come in chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla, or any combination of these.奶昔有巧克力、草莓、香草口味,也可混搭以上任何组合。New alignments have been created within the political party.新的组合已经在这个政党内部形成。He left the group last year to pursue a solo career.去年他离开那个音乐组合单飞了。His art features a volatile mix of sexuality and violence.他的艺术以性欲与暴力变幻莫测的组合为主题。With a share portfolio you can sell off a portion if the need arises.如有股票投资组合,必要时可以低价抛售一部分。That's a funny combo - pink and orange.多么可笑的组合——粉色和橘黄色。This partnership has a good chance of success.这个组合获胜的希望很大。In many offices, desks are separated by modular walls that can be moved around.很多办公室的桌子都是用可移动的组合墙隔开的。The company also offers a bespoke service of whatever combination you like.该公司还可根据您的组合喜好提供定制服务。High debt and low earnings are a lethal combination.高债务和低收入是致命的组合。After running through the numbers in every possible combination, we finally hit upon a solution.在尝试了所有可能的数字组合后,我们终于找到了答案。Together on one team they are a winning combination. 他们在同一队伍里组成了最佳组合。The Osaka-based group is popular home in Japan and has developed a cult following in the United States.那个来自大阪的组合在日本本土很受欢迎,在美国也拥有一批狂热的歌迷。Atoms combine to form molecules.原子组合形成分子。The movie dishes up a wild mix of sex and violence.这部影片是色情和暴力的荒诞组合。The group's new video will be released next month.这个音乐组合的新录像将在下个月发行。The group's debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic.这个组合的首张专辑一经推出便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。The towels were embroidered with their intertwined initials.毛巾上绣着他们姓名首字母的连写组合。The group will perform in the wonderfully atmospheric setting of King's College Chapel in Old Aberdeen.该组合将在阿伯丁老城内国王学院教堂那充满美妙情调的环境下演出。Sex and death are strange bedfellows.性和死亡是一对奇怪的组合。Students can select parts of the course on a pick-and-mix basis.学生们可以组合的方式选择这门课程的各部分。Different amino acids combine to form proteins.不同种类的氨基酸组合构成蛋白质。We worked on finding the right mix of food, music, and decorations for the wedding.我们努力为这场婚礼寻找食物、音乐和装饰品的完美组合。The group will play three sold-out shows at Wembley Stadium.这个组合将在温布利体育场举行三场座无虚席的音乐会。I can't remember the combination.我记不得密码锁的数码组合了。The Central Coast's barbershop chorus is seeking new voices.中央海岸的理发店四重唱组合正在寻找新歌手。The group will be hitting the road again in the new year, in order to promote their new album.新年里,这个组合将要再次出发宣传他们的新专辑。It's an unusual combination.这是个与众不同的组合。The group's popularity reached new heights when they released their second album.这个组合发行第二张专辑的时候,人气涨到了新高。He took it apart brick by brick, and put it back together again.他一块砖一块砖地把它拆开,然后又把它组合起来。We have all the evidence but we don't know yet how it fits together.我们拥有全部证据,但还不知道怎样把它们组合起来。The new Oak Hill development offers a mix of housing.新的橡树山开发项目提供多种住房组合。The group will be performing live on tonight's show.该组合将在今晚的节目中进行现场表演。The musical content is an entertaining blend of classics and obscurities.曲目内容是经典乐曲和不知名乐曲的组合,挺有趣的。The pair remain contractually bound to Arista Records.这对组合还是签在阿里斯塔唱片公司旗下。The carpet design comes in three different color combos.这款地毯的图案有三种不同的颜色组合。In first place we now find the Belgian pairing of Nancy Feber and Laurence Courtois.现在处于第一位的是比利时组合南希·费博和劳伦斯·库尔图瓦。John and Steve working together? That's a lethal compound.约翰和史蒂夫一起工作?那是个很危险的组合。This is the group's breakthrough album.这是该组合一炮而红的专辑。 |