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词汇 纠纷
例句 The dispute is likely to dominate the news.这场纠纷很可能成为新闻报道的焦点。These disputes fall within the scope of the local courts.处理这些纠纷属于地方法院的职权范围。The airway will reinstate the engineering workers it has dismissed during the dispute.航空公司将让在纠纷期间被公司辞退的技工复职。We found a resolution to the dispute.我们找到了解决这个纠纷的办法。The dispute culminated last week in a lawsuit against the government.上周这一纠纷达到高潮,政府被告上了法庭。The contrasts between rich and poor nations are a source of discord.国家之间贫富分化是纠纷的根源。With his firm handling of the dispute, he had earned the respect of his opponents.他处理这次纠纷很坚决,赢得了对手们的尊敬。The dispute has scared away potential investors.这一纠纷吓跑了潜在的投资者。There is a dispute over land but we believe we have found a workable solution to this problem.土地引起了纠纷,但我们相信已找到一个能解决该问题的切实可行的方法。There used to be a lot of disputes over land boundaries but nowadays such problems scarcely ever arise.以前地界纠纷频繁,但这种问题现在几乎没再发生。A formula for settling the border dispute has been worked out.已拟定一个解决边界纠纷的方案。The government acted as referee in the dispute between the management and the trade union.政府担任资方与工会之间纠纷的仲裁人。The bank realized that the dispute was becoming a serious liability in doing business这家银行意识到这场纠纷正变成妨碍银行业务的严重不利因素。The dispute affected relations between management and workers.这次纠纷影响了管理层和雇员之间的关系。Fisherman are involved in a price dispute with fish wholesalers.渔民和鱼商之间出现了价格纠纷The second dispute was sorted out in a like manner.第二次纠纷也是用类似的方式解决的。Both sides in the dispute have been adopting a tone of moral righteousness.纠纷双方说起话来都是冠冕堂皇。There is a labor dispute between workers and management.劳资双方存在劳动纠纷The two farmers are involved in a land dispute.两位农民卷入了土地纠纷He sees himself as the innocent party in this dispute.他认为自己是纠纷中无错的一方。Management have demonstrated almost unbelievable incompetence in their handling of the dispute.管理层在处理这一纠纷时显示出了令人难以置信的无能。The report carried a serious warning of future trouble.这份报告含有一项提防未来纠纷的严重警告。Someone will brief you on the dispute on the way to the airport.去机场的路上会有人为你简要介绍纠纷的情况。There was a big stink about his accepting a bribe.他收受贿赂,引起一场大纠纷The dispute developed into a trial of strength between management and the union.这场纠纷演变成了资方与工会之间实力的较量。It should not be beyond the wit of man to resolve this dispute.解决这场纠纷不是不可能的。The two countries have had frequent border disputes.两国经常发生边界纠纷The dispute culminated last week in a lawsuit against the government.上周政府被告上法庭,这一纠纷达到高潮。The situation was invoking fears of another Vietnam-type entanglement.当时的情形正引发另一场越南式纠纷的恐慌。There are several trouble spots in that continent.在那个大陆有几个纠纷迭发地区。Some very skilful negotiators will be needed to settle this dispute.解决这一纠纷需要一些非常老练的谈判专家。Bank staff are to stage a series of lightning strikes in a dispute over staffing.因职级纠纷,银行职员即将举行一系列闪电式罢工。The unions have criticized management over their handling of the dispute.工会批评了管理层对纠纷的处理。The range war involves a land dispute.牧场大战牵涉到一宗地产纠纷The government hopes to settle the dispute through diplomatic channels.政府希望通过外交途径解决这一纠纷Settle the dispute among yourselves.纠纷在你们内部解决了吧。The ministers must have realized that they risked what could be a major diplomatic row with France.部长们应该已经认识到了他们这样做可能会与法国产生严重的外交纠纷The dispute has not yet been finally settled.纠纷尚未最终解决。They smoothed the way for an end to the dispute. 他们为结束这场纠纷铺平了道路。A dispute was brought to a satisfactory termination.一场纠纷得到了令人满意的结局。




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