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词汇 精力充沛
例句 Although she's much older now, she's still full of beans.尽管她现在老多了,却依旧精力充沛He took up life vigorously again.他又开始精力充沛地面对生活。He is a dynamo of energy.他是个精力充沛的人。The Arsenal striker remains jauntily confident.阿森纳队的前锋仍旧信心十足,精力充沛She always seems fresh and lively, even at the end of the day.她看上去总是精力充沛、生气勃勃的,即使一天下来也是如此。She's a bundle of energy. 她是个精力充沛的人。You're full of go this morning.今天早晨你精力充沛The gospel singers appear animated, energetic, and happy.那些福音歌手看起来很活泼、精力充沛而且很快乐。Exercise can sometimes provide a boost of energy.锻炼有时能使人精力充沛She's always so full of go.她总是这么精力充沛She awoke from her nap rested and refreshed.她小睡了一会儿,醒来后精力充沛、神清气爽。Energetic types can be out before breakfast and yomp about the hills until 10 a.m.精力充沛的士兵能在早饭前就出发,负重行军跋涉于山间直到十点钟。Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy.如果你能变得精力充沛,你的创作才能也能得到很好的发挥。The child remained very much awake and enthralled.孩子一直都精力充沛,兴趣盎然。She may be 80, but she's still lively.她也许有八十岁了,但仍精力充沛I'll deal with this problem in the morning when I'm fresh.我会在上午精力充沛的时候处理这一问题。The walk in the fresh air invigorated us.在新鲜空气中散步使我们精力充沛The children are always full of energy.孩子们总是精力充沛Both of Myra's sons were hefty, energetic boys.迈拉的两个儿子都高大健壮,精力充沛Wade was a hearty, bluff, athletic sort of guy.韦德是个精力充沛、率直、运动型的人。He was a man of stupendous stamina and energy.他是个有着超强耐力、精力充沛的人。Jem was full of beans after a long sleep.杰姆好好睡了一觉之后又变得精力充沛了。We came back from holiday feeling rested and relaxed.我们度假归来,感到轻松而精力充沛Marcus was handsome, dynamic and ambitious.马库斯仪表堂堂,精力充沛且雄心勃勃。She's always full of pep in the morning.早晨她总是精力充沛Though no longer in the first flush of youth she's still remarkably energetic.尽管已非青春少女,她仍然精力充沛The kids are always so full of energy.这些孩子总是那么精力充沛She's a real live wire.她真是个精力充沛的人。She was bursting with energy and vivacity.精力充沛,活力四射。He's full of pep in the morning.他早上精力充沛The children have heaps of energy.孩子们精力充沛He wanted to recharge his batteries and come back feeling fresh and positive.他想去放松休息一下,然后精力充沛、干劲十足地回来。It's important to have a person with some oomph in charge of the department.重要的是让一个精力充沛的人掌管这个部门。A good night's sleep will pep you up.晚上好好睡一觉会使你精力充沛She appears rested and sharp.她显得精力充沛、思维敏捷。This year's team is a powerhouse that's winning its games easily.今年球队精力充沛,在比赛中轻松取胜He's funny, energetic, understanding, and a great teacher.他很有趣,精力充沛,善解人意,是一个很好的老师。Under the stimulus of this inspiring motive, she bustled about with new energy.在这个令人振奋的动机刺激下,她精力充沛地忙碌著。He never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth.精力充沛的年轻时代他从未停止过追求自己的梦想。He was a bundle of energy.精力充沛




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