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词汇 管弦乐队
例句 Young conductors earn their spurs in a small orchestra or opera house.年轻的指挥们在小型管弦乐队或歌剧院崭露头角。The orchestra will be giving/having/holding a free concert.这个管弦乐队将要举办一场免费音乐会。The Orchestra is currently searching for a successor to music director James Sedares.管弦乐队目前正在寻找接替音乐总监詹姆斯·赛达瑞斯的人。The orchestra's playing brought out the light and shade in the music.管弦乐队在演奏中表现出了音乐丰富的层次感。I'd love to hear it played by a professional orchestra.我很想听专业的管弦乐队演奏这支曲子。The orchestra uses period instruments.这个管弦乐队使用的是古乐器。The choir and orchestra will perform three cantatas.唱诗班和管弦乐队将表演三段康塔塔。The orchestra was conducted by Mira Shapur.管弦乐队由米拉‧沙普尔指挥。An orchestra played in the hallway as mourners streamed in.一支管弦乐队在大厅里演奏,哀悼者鱼贯而入。There are musicians of all abilities in the orchestra.那支管弦乐队各种演奏水平的乐师都有。The orchestra will be playing Mozart tonight.管弦乐队今晚将演奏莫扎特的作品。An orchestra discoursed soft music.管弦乐队演奏出柔和的音乐。The orchestra made the recording under the baton of a young German conductor.管弦乐队在一位年轻的德国指挥家的指挥下完成录音。The orchestra contrived to produce some of its best playing for years.这支管弦乐队呈现了精彩的演奏,堪称其多年来的巅峰演奏。The orchestra gave a supple, painterly account of a work by Mendelssohn.管弦乐队轻快流畅地演奏了门德尔松的作品,带给人以美的享受。The orchestra was tuning up for its regular Sunday afternoon broadcast.管弦乐队正在为每周日下午的广播节目调音。With a good set of speakers, you can reproduce the orchestra's sound in your own home.有一套好的扬声器,就可以在家里重现管弦乐队的音响效果。The orchestra was excellent. No one played a bum note.这支管弦乐队非常不错,一个音也没奏错。I play in the school orchestra.我在校管弦乐队演奏。Ellington always used his orchestra as a proving ground for his compositions.埃林顿总是利用他的管弦乐队来试验他的作品。The city council subsidizes the local orchestra.市议会资助地方管弦乐队She could hear the tinny strains of a chamber orchestra.她能听见室内管弦乐队尖细的旋律。Rock musicians are working in collaboration with an orchestra to create a new opera.摇滚音乐家正在与管弦乐队合作创作一出新歌剧。We listened with rapture as the orchestra played.管弦乐队演奏时,我们兴致勃勃地听着。And then the orchestra struck up the National Anthem.然后管弦乐队奏起了国歌。The orchestra opened the evening with an overture.管弦乐队以一首序曲拉开了晚会的序幕。He's one of the best brass players in the orchestra.他是管弦乐队中最优秀的铜管乐师之一。The orchestra is rehearsing a piece by Schumann.这支管弦乐队正在排练舒曼的一个作品。The new conductor is now a permanent fixture in the orchestra.新指挥现在已成了管弦乐队的固定成员。It is a pickup orchestra.它是一支临时性管弦乐队Krem began his career with the Victoria Symphony, followed by stints with orchestras in Winnipeg and Quebec.克雷姆在维多利亚交响乐团开始了自己的职业生涯,后来又与温尼伯和魁北克的管弦乐队合作过。The orchestra plays immaculately.管弦乐队的演奏堪称完美。The orchestra is conducted by John Williams.这支管弦乐队由约翰·威廉斯指挥。A small orchestra was playing.一个小型管弦乐队正在演奏。Do you play in an orchestra?你在管弦乐队里演奏吗?Masur led the orchestra with assurance.马苏尔自信地指挥着管弦乐队The orchestra filed into their places.管弦乐队排成纵队进入乐池席位。Musicians of the time admitted that the Ellington Orchestra was a cut above all others.当时的音乐家都承认埃林顿管弦乐队是鹤立鸡群的。Mr. Green will conduct the orchestra.格林先生将指挥这支管弦乐队He plays violin in the school orchestra.他在学校的管弦乐队里演奏小提琴。




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