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词汇 签证
例句 The visa requires an application form and two photos.办理签证需要交一张申请表和两张照片。He was arrested for overstaying his visa.他由于居留时间超过签证期限而被捕。They thought that their relatives would be able to fix the visas.他们以为他们的亲戚们会把签证办好。The whole business of getting a visa can take a very long time.取得签证前后可能要花很长时间。Argentina has lifted all restrictions on trade and visas are about to be abolished.阿根廷已经取消所有贸易限制,签证制也将废止。They overstayed their visas and were arrested.他们居留超过了签证期限而被逮捕了。They refused him a visa. 他们拒绝给他签证The authorities have refused to grant him a visa to visit the US.当局已经拒绝给他发出访问美国的签证She wangled her way into the country without a visa.她在没有签证的情况下设法混进了那个国家。I obtained a visa after hours of waiting at the embassy.在大使馆等了好几个小时之后我拿到了签证I had my passport visaed.我取得了护照签证He was told visas were refused.他被告知,签证未获准。If you want a visa, you will have to go through the proper channels.你想取得签证,就必须通过适当的途径。They had German passports with Brazilian stamps.他们持有盖了巴西签证印的德国护照。There has been a drop in visa applications.申请签证的人数下降了。Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa.警方坚持称迈克尔没有按照正确的程序申请签证They gave assurances they would press for reciprocity with Greece in the issuing of visas.他们保证将推进本国与希腊两国间签证的互相发放。The United States has refused him a visa.美国拒绝给他发放签证He had wangled his way into the country without a visa.他在没有签证的情况下设法混进了那个国家。He was finally granted a visa.他终于拿到了签证Michael did not follow the correct procedure in applying for a visa.迈克尔没有遵循申请签证的正确程序。His visitor's visa expired.他的访问签证过期了。Foreign workers bringing dependents could obtain only one non-renewable two-year visa.携带家属的海外工人只能获得不可续签的两年签证Visas must be obtained ahead of time, and it may take several weeks to get them in order.签证必须提前取得,有时候要好几个星期才能办好。The United States has refused him a visa.美国拒绝给他签证Do Brazilians need a visa to go to France?巴西人前往法国需要签证吗?We finally made it through the bureaucratic obstacle course and got our visas.我们终于通过了一系列官僚障碍,成功拿到了签证She outstayed her visa.她待到签证都过了期。We had our passports and visas checked.有人检查了我们的护照和签证He's applied for an extension of his visa.他已经申请了签证续期。The authorities extended her visa.当局将她的签证延期了。The official procedure for obtaining a visa can turn into a bureaucratic nightmare.申请签证的正式手续有时就像一场官僚噩梦。He came into the country using a forged visa.他使用假签证进入了该国。My visa still hasn't come through.我的签证还没拿到。You will need to apply for a visa.你得申请签证The government repatriated him because he had no visa.他没有签证,所以被政府遣送回国。Long delays in obtaining passports and visas often occur.经过长时间的耽搁才拿到护照和签证的事经常发生。Visa or no visa, they won't let you into the country.不管有没有签证,他们都不会让你入境。The office dealt with visa renewals.这个办事处办理签证延期。To get our Colombian visas we bussed back to Medellin.为了拿到前往哥伦比亚的签证,我们乘大巴返回麦德林。




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